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With the ongoing network attacks in Monero, it’s a great time for
users to dive into running their own node.
In this short post I’ll detail how to easily run a Monero node on a
Linux server, the most common OS for virtual private servers (VPS). I
would highly recommend running either Debian or Ubuntu for your Linux
distribution, and this guide will assume you are running one of those.
I will also assume in this guide that you have purchased and SSH’d
into the VPS/host of your choosing, but if you need help with those
first steps here are a few good links to follow:
If you’re using your own hardware at home, this guide will still
generally apply to you assuming you are running Ubuntu/Debian.
Full Node
* 2+ vCPUs/cores
* 4GB+ RAM
* 175GB+ SSD
Pruned Node
* 2+ vCPUs/cores
* 4GB+ RAM
* 75GB+ SSD
The Monero network relies on a distributed web of Monero nodes, each
of which validate transactions, propagate transactions to the rest of
the network, and helps new nodes easily and quickly synchronize to the
current state of the network.
Running a Monero node for yourself not only helps to give you the
stronger network-level privacy guarantees, but also helps to increase
the decentralization, stability, and speed of the Monero network.
Each node can expose two different services, each of which has a
positive impact on the network in a unique way:
* Peer-to-Peer (p2p) port (default 18080): this port allows other
nodes on the network to connect to your node to download the
blockchain and to send you any transactions they validate that you do
not yet have. It also increases overall network privacy, as your node
participates in the Dandelion++ propagation of transactions.
* Remote Procedure Call (RPC) port (default 18089 for restricted):
Exposing this port (especially with the public-node arg) allows other
users on the network, especially those using mobile wallets or the GUI
wallet in “Simple” mode, to connect to your node to sync their
wallets, without needing to run their own full node locally.
In this guide I have only given configuration files and Docker
commands that expose the p2p port, as that is a key help to the
network. Feel free to use one of the configuration files utilizing the
public-node arg listed below if you’d also like to advertise your
restricted RPC port.
You can choose to either setup a node via systemd and binaries or
deploy monerod as a Docker container below.
Deploying via Docker has a few key benefits, namely a simple and
cross-OS compatible install along with automatic updates via
_Note: If you’d love to deploy a node but this guide is still a bit
too advanced for you, checkout, a great community
resource that allows you to pay in Monero to have a node spun up for
First we need to install a few tools we will need later:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y ufw curl
Then install Docker:
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
su - $USER
_Note: This command downloads a script and runs as root directly from
Docker. Please make sure you are comfortable doing this, and be wary
of doing this on a personal computer. If you’d like to avoid that,
please follow the official docs here to install from the repository._
We will want to make sure that the system is hardened in a simple way
by making sure that the firewall is locked down to only allow access
to the ports necessary for SSH and monerod, using UFW.
A great intro to getting started with UFW is available on
Run the following commands to add some basic UFW rules and enable the
# Deny all non-explicitly allowed ports
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
# Allow SSH access
sudo ufw allow ssh
# Allow monerod p2p port
sudo ufw allow 18080/tcp
# Allow monerod restricted RPC port
sudo ufw allow 18089/tcp
# Enable UFW
sudo ufw enable
Choose the proper command set below depending on if you want to run a
full node or a pruned node and whether you want to advertise your
public restricted RPC node to allow other users to sync their wallets
using your node or not:
An alternative Docker implementation is also available on Github,
which even includes native Grafana visualizations. This guide will
focus on being extremely simple, so I’ll stick to just monerod here.
If you would like to inspect the source code behind the image used
here or build it yourself, please see the below links:
Docker Hub Images Source Repository
_Note: My recommended commands are the first set below, but feel free
to choose one of the other 3 options as needed._
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name="monerod" -p 18080:18080 -p 18089:18089 -v bitmonero:/home/monero sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= --rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 --no-igd --no-zmq --enable-dns-blocklist
docker run -d \
--name watchtower --restart unless-stopped \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup \
monerod tor
Alternative Docker commands
Public node:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name="monerod" -p 18080:18080 -p 18089:18089 -v bitmonero:/home/monero sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= --rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 --public-node --no-igd --no-zmq --enable-dns-blocklist
docker run -d \
--name watchtower --restart unless-stopped \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup \
monerod tor
Pruned node:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name="monerod" -p 18080:18080 -p 18089:18089 -v bitmonero:/home/monero sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= --rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 --no-igd --no-zmq --enable-dns-blocklist --prune-blockchain
docker run -d \
--name watchtower --restart unless-stopped \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup \
monerod tor
Public and pruned node:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name="monerod" -p 18080:18080 -p 18089:18089 -v bitmonero:/home/monero sethsimmons/simple-monerod:latest --rpc-restricted-bind-ip= --rpc-restricted-bind-port=18089 --public-node --no-igd --no-zmq --enable-dns-blocklist --prune-blockchain
docker run -d \
--name watchtower --restart unless-stopped \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
containrrr/watchtower --cleanup \
monerod tor
To watch the logs for monerod, simply run:
docker logs --follow monerod
As we are running Monero in a Docker container and have deployed
Watchtower along with it, the node will automatically be restarted
with the latest version of monerod whenever a new version is tagged in
Nothing else needs to be done manually!
monerod supports sending commands locally, allowing you get additional
info on the status of monerod, set bandwidth limits, set peer limits,
A full list of commands as of v0.17.1.8 can be found below, or by
running monerod help:
Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.1.8-release)
alt_chain_info [blockhash]
apropos <keyword> [<keyword> ...]
ban [<IP>|@<filename>] [<seconds>]
banned <address>
bc_dyn_stats <last_block_count>
flush_cache [bad-txs] [bad-blocks]
flush_txpool [<txid>]
help [<command>]
in_peers <max_number>
is_key_image_spent <key_image>
limit [<kB/s>]
limit_down [<kB/s>]
limit_up [<kB/s>]
out_peers <max_number>
output_histogram [@<amount>] <min_count> [<max_count>]
pop_blocks <nblocks>
print_bc <begin_height> [<end_height>]
print_block <block_hash> | <block_height>
print_coinbase_tx_sum <start_height> [<block_count>]
print_pl [white] [gray] [pruned] [publicrpc] [<limit>]
print_tx <transaction_hash> [+hex] [+json]
relay_tx <txid>
set_bootstrap_daemon (auto | none | host[:port] [username] [password])
set_log <level>|<{+,-,}categories>
start_mining <addr> [<threads>|auto] [do_background_mining] [ignore_battery]
unban <address>
update (check|download)
When you want to run a command, simply run docker exec monerod
/usr/local/bin/monerod name_of_command and it will automatically
connect to the daemon, run the command, and print the output of that
command to the terminal.
A few of my most commonly used commands are:
* docker exec monerod /usr/local/bin/monerod status: get a short
output on the status of monerod, including peer counts (both out and
in), block height, sync status, and version
* docker exec monerod /usr/local/bin/monerod sync_info: print a list
of peers with info on their status and what syncing your node is doing
with them
* docker exec monerod /usr/local/bin/monerod print_net_stats: print
network statistics since monerod started, including received and sent
traffic total, average rates, and the limits set
* docker exec monerod /usr/local/bin/monerod update check: check if
an updated version of monerod has been released
If you decide to use this guide on a device on your home network, you
will need to be sure to port forward 18080/tcp and 18089/tcp through
your router or use an anonymity network like Tor.
A good central site with a lot of guides for specific routers can be
found at Just make sure to select your proper router
make and model, and then open 18080/18089 for TCP only.
If you would like to also expose your RPC port over Tor as a Hidden
Service, follow these few commands and you’re all set. This allows
you to access your RPC port entirely over Tor without ever even
needing to go through exit nodes.
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --link monerod:monerod --name tor --volume tor-keys:/var/lib/tor/hidden_service/ goldy/tor-hidden-service
docker exec -ti tor onions
_Note: To test connectivity, simply visit
http://replacewithnewonionaddress:18089/get_info in the Tor browser
and make sure you get a block of text back._
This will depend on the wallet you’ve chosen to use, but usually
just entails specifying the IP address of your node (either your home
IP address or that of your VPS-provided host) or Onion address.
An example of how to do this in the main desktop wallet is provided
A few of my favorite tools for general Linux CLI usage are below,
hopefully they will help you out getting more comfortable with the CLI
or keeping a closer eye on your node!
* Oh My Zsh
* A great replacement for bash/sh shells, Oh My Zsh gives much
better highlighting, features, and has automatic updates over git
* vnstat
* A simple CLI tool to watch and view bandwidth usage numbers
* htop
* Gives a great overall picture of system resource usage by process,
and is much more readable than top
* multitail
* a much more fully-featured way to view logs (especially more than
one at a time)
Hopefully this guide simplified the process of setting up a remote
node on a VPS, and many more similar guides should be popping up
I used the commands and info in this guide to kick off a new remote
node on Hetzner, feel free to utilize it for wallet sync, add it as a
priority peer, etc: (high-performance node on Hetzner in
Frankfurt, Germany)
Also available as a Tor HiddenService at:
Please reach out via Twitter, Matrix, or email if you have any
questions, think a step needs clarification, or need further help
getting up and running.
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