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Created January 12, 2022 13:18
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New Twirl Architecture
title New Twirl Architecture
top to bottom direction
Person(User, "User", "Someone who wants to shorten links")
System_Boundary("Heroku", "Heroku") {
ContainerDb(Postgres, "PostgreSQL", "Stores users and short-to-long link mapping")
Container(Twirl, "Twirl", "HTTP Server")
System_Boundary("GCP", "Google Compute Engine"){
Container(Ngnix, "NGNIX", "Reverse Proxy on")
Rel(User, Ngnix, "(1) HTTP Request")
Rel(Ngnix, User, "(2) Redirect to Twirl through browser")
Rel(User, Twirl, "(3) Redirected HTTP Request")
Rel(Twirl, Postgres, "(4) SQL Query")
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