I hereby claim:
- I am ojwoodford on github.
- I am ojwoodford (https://keybase.io/ojwoodford) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 86F0 089C 7FAB 4C91 9B3F E35E AED3 D386 716F 0278
To claim this, I am signing this object:
using StaticArrays, GLMakie, LinearAlgebra, Static | |
import NLLSsolver | |
const λ = 10.0 | |
# Define the Rosenbrock cost function | |
struct RosenbrockA <: NLLSsolver.AbstractResidual | |
end | |
Base.eltype(::RosenbrockA) = Float64 | |
NLLSsolver.ndeps(::RosenbrockA) = static(1) # Residual depends on 1 variable |
# Compare non-linear least squares solvers on the multi-dimensional Rosenbrock function | |
startpoint(n) = Float64[i % 2 == 0 ? 1.0 : -1.2 for i = 1:n] | |
const diagonal_weight_dense = 1.2 | |
const offdiagonal_weight_dense = 1.0 | |
const diagonal_weight_sparse = 1.0 | |
const offdiagonal_weight_sparse = 10.0 | |
################################################################################ | |
# NLLS formulation |
# JSO | |
using BundleAdjustmentModels, CaNNOLeS | |
function jso_func() | |
# Dry run to do compilation | |
model = BundleAdjustmentModel("problem-16-22106") | |
stats = cannoles(model, method=:Newton_noFHess) | |
# Output these results | |
model = BundleAdjustmentModel("problem-16-22106") |
function SyncMyCal() { | |
var options = { | |
'targetEventTitle': "Busy (sync'd event)", // What event title do you want ported events to have | |
'daysahead': 60, // How many days ahead do you want to sync events over | |
'ignorealldayevents': true, // Do you want to ignore all day events in your "from" calendars | |
'ignorethesedays': [0, 6], // Are there days of the week you don't want to sync? 0 = Sunday | |
'maxhoursbetweenruns': 1, // How many hours between scheduled runs of the calendar sync (you need to set these up) | |
'onlybusyevents': true, // Only copy events marked 'busy' | |
'busyness': 1, // Should events be marked 'busy' by default (0: free, 1: busy, 2: match source event) | |
'visibility': 2, // Should the events be visible by default (0: private, 1: public, 2: match source event) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: