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Last active January 12, 2025 14:39
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Patch to use callbacks with Streamlit custom components.
"""Patch to use callbacks with Streamlit custom components.
>>> import streamlit.components.v1 as components
>>> from components_callbacks import register_callback
>>> print("Script begins...")
>>> def my_callback(arg1, arg2):
>>> print("New component value:", st.session_state.my_key)
>>> print("Args:", arg1, arg2)
>>> register_callback("my_key", my_callback, "hello", arg2="world")
>>> my_component = components.declare_component(...)
>>> my_component(..., key="my_key")
Here's the result when you call Streamlit.setComponentValue():
New component value: <value set through Streamlit.setComponentValue()>
Args: hello world
Script begins...
from streamlit import session_state as _state
from streamlit.components.v1 import components as _components
def _patch_register_widget(register_widget):
def wrapper_register_widget(*args, **kwargs):
user_key = kwargs.get("user_key", None)
callbacks = _state.get("_components_callbacks", None)
# Check if a callback was registered for that user_key.
if user_key and callbacks and user_key in callbacks:
callback = callbacks[user_key]
# Add callback-specific args for the real register_widget function.
kwargs["on_change_handler"] = callback[0]
kwargs["args"] = callback[1]
kwargs["kwargs"] = callback[2]
# Call the original function with updated kwargs.
return register_widget(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper_register_widget
# Patch function only once.
if not hasattr(_components.register_widget, "__callbacks_patched__"):
setattr(_components.register_widget, "__callbacks_patched__", True)
_components.register_widget = _patch_register_widget(_components.register_widget)
def register_callback(element_key, callback, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs):
# Initialize callbacks store.
if "_components_callbacks" not in _state:
_state._components_callbacks = {}
# Register a callback for a given element_key.
_state._components_callbacks[element_key] = (callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs)
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