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Forked from jtimberman/knife.rb
Created October 31, 2012 07:19
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Commented knife.rb for all the things
# Knife Configuration File.
# This is a Ruby DSL to set configuration parameters for Knife's
# general options. The default location for this file is
# ~/.chef/knife.rb. If multiple Chef repositories are used,
# per-repository configuration files can be created. A per repository
# configuration file must be .chef/knife.rb in the base directory of
# the Chef repository. For example,
# ~/Development/chef-repo/.chef/knife.rb
# In some cases to improve clarity default values are specified,
# uncommented. Other example values are commented out. To obtain a
# plain configuration file without these comments, use grep; e.g.:
# egrep "^([a-z]|^#knife)" knife.rb
# grep -E "^([a-z]|^#knife)" knife.rb
# As this file is interpreted Ruby, you can set local variables or use
# Ruby's string interpolation (`#{}`). Some examples will do this.
# For more information on configuring Knife, see the knife(1) man
# page, or the Chef Configuration Settings page on the Chef wiki.
# *
# *
# In order to interact with a Chef Server, three configuration
# settings are *required*, and you must change them.
# node_name
# client_key
# chef_server_url
# Identity to use for authenticating requests to the Chef
# Server. Corresponds to the -u or --user command-line option.
#node_name "username"
node_name ""
# Private key file to authenticate to the Chef Server. Corresponds to
# the -k or --key command-line option.
#client_key "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/username.pem"
client_key "/etc/chef/client.pem"
# URL of the Chef Server. Corresponses to the -s or --server-url
# command-line option.
#chef_server_url ""
chef_server_url "http://localhost:4000"
# End of required configuration for Chef Server interaction.
# Name of the API client used to validate new API clients. Used with
# knife bootstrap.
#validation_client_name "ORG_SHORT_NAME-validator"
validation_client_name "chef-validator"
# Private key file to authenticate when validating new API
# clients. Used with knife bootstrap.
#validation_key "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ORG_SHORT_NAME-validator.pem"
validation_key "/etc/chef/validation.pem"
# Location of the cookbooks directory. Typically in the Chef
# Repository, e.g. ${HOME}/chef-repo/cookbooks. Corresponds to
# the -o or --cookbook-path command-line option. Used with 'knife
# cookbook upload' and 'knife cookbook create'.
# Modification is not required but strongly recommended.
#cookbook_path [ "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../cookbooks" ]
cookbook_path [ "/var/chef/cookbooks" ]
# Options used by 'knife cookbook create'.
# Specify the copyright holder listed as the maintainer in the
# cookbook metadata and the copyright in comments of the generated
# default recipe.
#cookbook_copyright "Example, Com."
cookbook_copyright "YOUR_COMPANY_NAME"
# Specify the email of the cookbook maintainer used in the cookbook
# metadata.
#cookbook_email "[email protected]"
cookbook_email "YOUR_EMAIL"
# Specify the license that the cookbook is distributed under. Valid
# values are:
# "none" - all rights reserved, do not redistribute.
# "apachev2" - Apache Software License version 2.0.
# "gplv2" - GNU General Public License version 2.
# "gplv3" - GNU General Public License version 3.
# "mit" - The MIT License.
cookbook_license "none"
# Checksum caching options, used to configure 'moneta'.
# Knife caches the checksum of Ruby and ERB files when performing a cookbook syntax
# check with 'knife cookbook test' or 'knife cookbook upload'.
# The type of cache to use. You probably won't need to change this.
cache_type 'BasicFile'
# Hash of options used for caching. For BasicFile, :path should be a
# location where user running knife has write access.
#cache_options({ :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" })
cache_options({ :path => "/var/chef/cache/checksums", :skip_expires => true })
# Knife specific configuration options. These are used by Core knife
# commands and Opscode's Knife Plugin Gems and correspond to options
# passed to the command. The default value is specified, modify and
# uncomment as required. Gem sections are ordered by name, below.
# Some configuration options overlap with different knife plugins. The
# option specified will be used as the default for all
# plugins. However, the command-line options will override the setting
# specified in this file.
# Core: knife ssh
#knife[:ssh_port] = 22
# Core: knife bootstrap
# Default bootstrap template by distribution name. This is
# also used in knife gems for bootstrapping cloud instances.
#knife[:distro] = "ubuntu10.04-gems"
# Default bootstrap template by full pathname to the template file.
# knife[:template_file] = ""
# Version of Chef to install during bootstrap.
#knife[:bootstrap_version] = ""
# HTTP proxy to use during bootstrap.
#knife[:bootstrap_proxy] = ""
# Gem: knife-ec2
# Authentication credentials for the AWS API. Specify the access key
# ID and secret access key.
#knife[:aws_access_key_id] = ""
#knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = ""
# Default flavor of server (m1.small, c1.medium, etc).
#knife[:flavor] = "m1.small"
# Default AMI identifier, e.g. ami-12345678
#knife[:image] = ""
# AWS Region
#knife[:region] = "us-east-1"
# AWS Availability Zone. Must be in the same Region.
#knife[:availability_zone] = "us-east-1b"
# A file with EC2 User Data to provision the instance.
#knife[:aws_user_data] = ""
# AWS SSH Keypair.
#knife[:aws_ssh_key_id] = ""
# Gem: knife-eucalyptus
# URL to the Eucalyptus API endpoint.
#knife[:euca_api_endpoint] = ""
# Authentication credentials for the API. Specify the access key
# ID and secret access key.
#knife[:euca_access_key_id] = ""
#knife[:euca_secret_access_key] = ""
# Default flavor of server (m1.small, c1.medium, etc). Obtain a list
# with:
# knife euca flavor list
#knife[:flavor] = "m1.small"
# Default AMI identifier, e.g. ami-12345678. Obtain a list with:
# knife euca image list
#knife[:image] = ""
# Eucalyptus region
#knife[:region] = ""
# Eucalyptus Availability Zone. Must be in the same Region.
#knife[:availability_zone] = ""
# Eucalyptus SSH Keypair.
#knife[:euca_ssh_key_id] = ""
# Gem: knife-linode
# Linode API key.
#knife[:linode_api_key] = ""
# The flavor of server to create by default. Obtain a list with:
# knife linode flavor list
#knife[:linode_flavor] = 1
# The Linode image to use. Obtain a list with:
# knife linode image list
#knife[:linode_image] = 83
# The Linode kernel to use. Obtain a list with:
# knife linode kernel list
#knife[:linode_kernel] = 133
# The Linode data center to use. Obtain a list with:
# knife linode datacenter list
#knife[:linode_datacenter] = 3
# The default password to use when connecting via SSH.
#knife[:linode_ssh_password] = "BarbaZ"
# Gem: knife-openstack
# URL for the OpenStack API.
#knife[:openstack_api_endpoint] = ""
# Authentication credentials for the API. Specify the access key
# ID and secret access key.
#knife[:openstack_access_key_id] = ""
#knife[:openstack_secret_access_key] = ""
# Default flavor of server (m1.small, c1.medium, etc). Obtain a list
# with:
# knife openstack flavor list
#knife[:flavor] = "m1.small"
# Default AMI identifier, e.g. ami-12345678. Obtain a list with:
# knife openstack image list
#knife[:image] = ""
# OpenStack region
#knife[:region] = ""
# OpenStack Availability Zone. Must be in the same Region.
#knife[:availability_zone] = ""
# OpenStack SSH Keypair
#knife[:openstack_ssh_key_id] = ""
# Gem: knife-rackspace
# URL for the Rackspace authentication API.
#knife[:rackspace_api_auth_url] = ""
# Authentication credentials for the API. Specify the API key and the
# username.
#knife[:rackspace_api_key] = ""
#knife[:rackspace_api_username] = ""
# JSON string of metadata hash supplied to the newly created server.
#knife[:rackspace_metadata] = ""
# Default flavor to use. Obtain a list with:
# knife rackspace flavor list
#knife[:flavor] = 2
# Default image to use. Obtain a list with:
# knife rackspace image list
#knife[:image] = ""
# region
#knife[:region] = ""
# Gem: knife-terremark
# Authentication credentials. Specify the Terremark service, username
# and password.
#knife[:terremark_service] = ""
#knife[:terremark_username] = ""
#knife[:terremark_password] = ""
# Gem: knife-windows
# User and password to authenticate to WinRM.
#knife[:winrm_user] = "Administrator"
#knife[:winrm_password] = ""
# WinRM port.
#knife[:winrm_port] = "5985"
# The WinRM transport type. 'ssl' or 'plaintext'.
#knife[:winrm_transport] = "plaintext"
# The Certificate Authority (CA) trust file used for 'ssl' transport.
#knife[:ca_trust_file] = ""
# Authentication using Kerberos. Set the keytab, realm and service.
#knife[:kerberos_keytab_file] = ""
#knife[:kerberos_realm] = ""
#knife[:kerberos_service] = ""
# End of general configuration settings, knife core and gem
# configuration.
# Uncomment the following to support "conf.d" style configuration
# inclusion. Create the "conf.d" directory in the same location as
# this knife.rb, and add configuration files with the .rb file
# extension. The last filename in the glob wins, so be careful about
# overriding settings from above.
#confd = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "conf.d", "*.rb")
#Dir.glob(confd).each {|file| Chef::Config.from_file(file)}
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