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Created May 14, 2014 15:09
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Using RDFAlchemy together with RDFLib's SPARQLStore to query DBPedia and process resources in OO way
import urllib2
import os
#import sys
from itertools import islice
from rdflib import Namespace, Graph, ConjunctiveGraph, URIRef, RDFS, RDF
from rdflib.plugins.stores.sparqlstore import SPARQLStore
from rdfalchemy.rdfSubject import rdfSubject
from rdfalchemy import rdfSingle, rdfMultiple
from rdfalchemy.descriptors import rdfAbstract, rdfLocale
from rdfalchemy.orm import mapper
import logging
log = logging.getLogger('rdfalchemy.rdfSubject')
DBPO = Namespace('')
DCTERMS = Namespace('')
UMBEL = Namespace('')
FOAF = Namespace("")
# Main graph on which RDFAlchemy will operate
maingraph = Graph()
# Plug the ORM on the loaded graph
rdfSubject.db = maingraph
# Define RDFAlchemy descriptors
class Film(rdfSubject):
"""DBPedia films"""
rdf_type = DBPO.Film
#title = rdfMultiple(RDFS.label)
title = rdfLocale(RDFS.label, 'en')
frtitle = rdfLocale(RDFS.label, 'fr')
subject = rdfMultiple(DCTERMS.subject)
actor = rdfMultiple(DBPO.starring, range_type=UMBEL.Actor)
class Actor(rdfSubject):
"""DBPedia actors"""
rdf_type = UMBEL.Actor
#name = rdfMultiple(
name = rdfLocale(, 'en')
frname = rdfLocale(, 'fr')
# bind film's actors
mapper(Film, Actor)
# Utility function which lists predicates of a descriptor class
def predicates_of_descriptor(cls):
predicates = []
types = []
for f in cls.__dict__:
p = cls.__dict__[f]
t = None
mapped = None
if issubclass(type(p), rdfAbstract):
t = p.pred
mapped = getattr(p, '_mappedClass', None)
elif f == 'rdf_type':
t = RDF.type
if t and t not in types:
predicates.append({ 'predicate': t, 'mapped': mapped })
return predicates
# Utility function which populates a target graph with values of all
# attributes for a descriptor class
# Avoids loading tons of details if we want just a partial view
# It iterates over mapped attributes
def populate_predicate_objects(destgraph, srcgraph, cls, subject):
predicates = predicates_of_descriptor(cls)
for predicate in predicates:
p = predicate['predicate']
m = predicate['mapped']
for o in srcgraph.objects(subject, p):
destgraph.add( (subject, p, o) )
if m:
populate_predicate_objects(destgraph, srcgraph, m, o)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Allows to debug SPARQLWrapper queries to remote endpoint
if 0:
handler = urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
# Declare a remote RDFLib SPARQL Store
store = SPARQLStore("",
# Plug
graph = Graph(store)
# Load french films in DBPedia
subject = DCTERMS.subject
french_film = URIRef("")
# load every details we're interested in to the maingraph in memory
# (actually, only the 50 first films)
print "Select subjects for french films with SPARQLStore -> SPARQWrapper:"
print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
#for film in graph.subjects(subject, french_film):
for film in islice( graph.subjects(subject, french_film), 50):
print film
# We don't load every details with
# for p, o in graph.predicate_objects(film):
# #print type(film), type(p), type(o)
# maingraph.add( (film, p, o) )
# And instead use :
populate_predicate_objects(maingraph, graph, Film, film)
# Allows to debug RDFAlchemy
if 0:
log = logging.getLogger('rdfalchemy.rdfSubject')
print "Actors in french films :"
print "------------------------"
# We limit the number of elements processed
#for f in Film.filter_by(subject = french_film):
for f in islice( Film.filter_by(subject = french_film), 10):
print "*", f.title.encode("utf-8"), '/', f.frtitle.encode("utf-8"), "*"
for a in
print 'starring',
if not
print a
print"utf-8"), '/', a.frname.encode("utf-8")
print "Films starring Michel Piccoli :"
print "-------------------------------"
for f in Film.filter_by(subject = french_film, actor = URIRef('')):
print '-', f.title.encode("utf-8"), '/', f.frtitle.encode("utf-8")
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