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Created December 10, 2018 19:06
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Cassandra example connection
Import the cassandra libraries that will be needed to connect to the cassandra cluster.
Note: Currently the cassandra-driver is only available for python 2.7 on conda-forge
Example install of package
conda install -c conda-forge cassandra-driver
from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
import json
# Get credentials from kubernetes. The credentials were setup as a dictionary
credentials = None
with open('/var/run/secrets/user_credentials/cassandra_credentials') as f:
credentials = json.load(f)
# Check and make sure the credentials were pulled correctly
if credentials:
# Setup authentication mechanism
auth_provider = PlainTextAuthProvider(
# Pass parameters to the cluster
cluster = Cluster(
# COnnect to cluster and set the keyspace
session = cluster.connect()
# Run query in keyspace and print out the results
rows = session.execute('SELECT * FROM historical_prices')
for row in rows:
# Disconnect from the cluster
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