Save oldwestaction/f728bc8e36eba9c27c024b7652c262c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{"collected":["glasses-1","glasses-2","glasses-3","glasses-4","hat-1","hat-2","hat-3","hat-4","hat-5","hat-6","hat-7","hat-8","toy-1","toy-2","toy-3","toy-4","toy-5","toy-6","toy-7","toy-8"],"active":{"hat":"hat-8","toy":"toy-3","glasses":"glasses-3"},"unseen":[],"shuffle":false} |
get all the kitty cat swag for this adorable chrome extension by pasting this snippet into
localstorage: goodies
OMG! I got all the animals on tabby cat, not goodies but 😪..! Anyone wants animals, copy this:
{sku: "cat_tabbycat", displayName: "Tabby Cat", isCollected: true,…},…]
0: {sku: "cat_tabbycat", displayName: "Tabby Cat", isCollected: true,…}
1: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "dog_lildoggo", item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",…}
2: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "penguin_tuxedobird",…}
3: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "wildcat_leopard",…}
isCollected: true
isComingSoon: false
item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct"
localeData: [{title: "Wild Kitty", description: "", languageCode: "en-US"}]
petType: {sku: "wildcat_leopard", type: "wildcat", name: "Leopard", displayName: "Wild Kitty"}
prices: [{valueMicros: "1000000", currencyCode: "USD", regionCode: "US"}]
sku: "wildcat_leopard"
state: "ACTIVE"
type: "inapp"
4: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "bear_bear", item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",…}
5: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "turtle_tortoise",…}
6: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "dog_classicdoggo",…}
7: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "chicken_chicken",…}
8: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "seal_seal", item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",…}
9: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "bunny_bunny", item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",…}
10: {kind: "chromewebstore#inAppProduct", sku: "pig_pig", item_id: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",…}
for proof I have all animals, view here:
Or, you can copy my code here:
where is local storage?
I'm very dumb BTW.
Reply to your message:
Right click and go to "Inspect" and then a pop-up will come out, Then you will see a button next to "Performence", the button will look like it's having a text of ">>", click on that button, then click "Application" and then, in "Storage" you will be able to see the local storage :)
You could go up to older code to get goodies-.-
I found a way but it takes time.
Step1-Right click and click on Inspect.
Step2-Click Applications or click the small arrows at top right and then click Applications.
Step3-Click Local Storage.
Step4-Click on the small arrow near Local Storage and click the chrome:exten.......
Step5-There should be 2 columns-Key and Value.
Step6-Right click and click on Edit Value in the right side of Collected Goodies.
Step7-Copy this-{"toy-Wand"}} and paste it at the end of the value.
Step8-Click enter and reload and you will have a new goodie!!Well reload once more.
I hope it works for all of you
I repeated it to get many goodies and some times 1 goodie might disappear and another will come but don't worry about it.
There’s an easier way
Copy this: {"newItems":[],"list":["hat-Chef","toy-Pizza","glasses-CatEye","hat-Beanie","glasses-Heart","hat-Witch","hat-Baseball","toy-SoccerBall","toy-IceCream","toy-FoamFinger","hat-King","glasses-Blue","toy-Yarn","glasses-OldMan","hat-Fedora","toy-Burger","glasses-Raybans","hat-Princess","toy-Rocketship","hat-Bow","hat-Spinner","toy-Donut","toy-Cactus","toy-MagicWand","glasses-ThreeD","glasses-Aviators","toy-Campfire","toy-BonsaiTree","glasses-Sunglasses","toy-Dough","toy-Fishbones","hat-Fez","toy-Flowers","toy-Coffee","toy-MiniGolf","toy-RubberDuck","toy-Wine","toy-Fishbowl","hat-PartyHat","toy-Synth","glasses-Scuba","glasses-Kerry","hat-Unicorn","toy-Flamingo","hat-Sweatband","toy-Martini","toy-Mouse","toy-Cake","toy-Popsicle","toy-Bone","hat-Ranger","hat-Sombrero","hat-BeachBall","toy-Sushi","toy-Strawberry","toy-HotDog","hat-TopHat","glasses-Alien","hat-ShrimponBarbie","toy-JazzCup","toy-Gold","toy-Egg","toy-Steak","toy-Meat","toy-Money","hat-FlowerCrown"]}
Put it in the same area and refresh, ta-da!
wow it worked for me 2 days later OwO btw there is no marshmallow
anywaay i only wanted mystical kitten.
anywaay i only wanted mystical kitten.
anywaay i only wanted mystical kitten.
anywaay i only wanted mystical kitten.
It worked for me!!!!!!!!!
It worked!
Someone please help, I swear I have tried every way but nothing works. :(
it wont work why it not working
Someone please help, I swear I have tried every way but nothing works. :(
what is its all a scam
<img width="548" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 12 50 42 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/128558310/226787182-9e522a42-484d-4400-8a9d-671e0e8c
<img widt
h="566" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 1 04 21 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/128558310/2267872
<img width="791" alt="Screen
shot 2023-03-22 at 12 52 59 pm" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/128558310/2267
thats not all
No, it doesn't work. Sorry!