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oleander / spec.yml
Created March 2, 2025 01:03
Home Assistant OpenAPI 3.1 REST API
openapi: 3.1.0
title: Home Assistant REST API
version: 1.0.0
description: |
Official Home Assistant REST API specification based on documentation.
Authentication requires a Long-Lived Access Token that can be generated from the Home Assistant profile page.
All API calls must use the Bearer token in the Authorization header.
main.swift:55:7: error: ambiguous reference to member 'init'
Swift.Array<Element>:49:12: note: found this candidate
public init<S>(_ s: S) where S : Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == Element
Swift.RangeReplaceableCollection:22:24: note: found this candidate
public convenience init<S>(_ elements: S) where S : Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == Self.Iterator.Element
oleander / Makefile
Created April 6, 2017 12:26
How to use the Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods within the same XCode application
CONSTRUCT=xcodebuild -workspace $(APP).xcworkspace -scheme $(APP) clean
pod install
swift package fetch
swift package generate-xcodeproj
rm -rf .build $(APP).xcodeproj $(APP).xcworkspace Package.pins Pods Podfile.lock
  • Ta med
    • Tävling
      • Simning
        • Våtdräkt
        • Simglasögon
      • Cykel
        • Vattenflaskor
        • Kolsyrepatroner
        • Kolsyrepump
  • Cykelskor
  • Google Maps
  • Sverigekarta
  • Cykling
    • 1102km
      • 276km
        • Umeå -> Sundsvall, 276km
      • 289km
        • Sundsvall -> Bollnäs, 169km
        • Bollnäs -> Falun, 120km
  • 184km
Couldn't match type `Text' with `Entity Post'
Expected type: Field (HandlerT App IO) (Entity Post)
Actual type: Field (HandlerT App IO) Text
In the first argument of `areq', namely `textField'
In the second argument of `(<$>)', namely
`areq textField "Post" (Just post)'
In the second argument of `(<*>)', namely
`(entityKey <$> areq textField "Post" (Just post))'
Couldn't match type `Text' with `Entity Post'
Expected type: Field (HandlerT App IO) (Entity Post)
Actual type: Field (HandlerT App IO) Text
In the first argument of `areq', namely `textField'
In the second argument of `(<$>)', namely
`areq textField "Post" (Just post)'
In the second argument of `(<*>)', namely
`(entityKey <$> areq textField "Post" (Just post))'
require "pp"
a = "A\s+(.+?)"
b = "[\n]+B\s+(.+?)"
c = "[\n]+C\s+(.+?)"
d = "[\n]+D\s+((?=E)[^E]+|[^\n]+)"
e = "[(?=[\n]+E\s+)[\n]+E\s+(.+?)\n]?"
ActionView::MissingTemplate: Missing template mobile/toplists/index, mobile/application/index, application/index with {:locale=>[:sv, :en], :formats=>[:html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :raw, :ruby, :slim, :coffee, :arb, :haml, :rabl]}. Searched in: * "/opt/www/" * "/opt/www/" * "/opt/www/" * "/opt/www/" * "/opt/www/" * "/opt/www/"