// Before
func makeSandwich(completionHandler: (result:Sandwich)->Void)
// After
async func makeSandwich() -> Sandwich
// Informally equivalent to:
func makeSandwich() -> Promise<Sandwich>
async func cutBread() -> Bread
async func cutCheese() -> Cheese
async func cutHam() -> Ham
async func cutTomato() -> Vegetable
async func makeSandwichSerially() -> Sandwich {
let bread = await cutBread()
let cheese = await cutCheese()
let ham = await cutHam()
let tomato = await cutTomato()
return Sandwich([bread, cheese, ham, tomato])
async func makeSandwichInParallel() -> Sandwich {
let bread = cutBread() // -> Promise<Bread>
let cheese = cutCheese()
let ham = cutHam()
let tomato = cutTomato()
// Wait for all components after all operations have been launched
return Sandwich([await bread,
await cheese,
await ham,
await tomato])
// Using a loop:
async func makeSandwichSerially() -> Sandwich {
var components:[Ingredient] = []
for ingredient in ingredients {
components.append(await prepareIngredient(ingredient))
return Sandwich(components)
async func makeSandwichSerially() -> Sandwich {
var pieces:[Promise<Ingredient>] = []
for ingredient in ingredients {
return Sandwich(pieces.map{ await $0 })
// Before
func makeSandwich(completionHandler: (result:Sandwich?, error:ErrorType?)->Void)
// After
async func makeSandwich() throws -> Sandwich
// Informally equivalent to:
func makeSandwich() -> ThrowingPromise<Sandwich>
async func cutBread() throws -> Bread
async func cutCheese() throws -> Cheese
async func cutHam() throws -> Ham
async func cutTomato() throws -> Vegetable
async func makeSandwichSerially() throws -> Sandwich {
let bread = await try cutBread()
let cheese = await try cutCheese()
let ham = await try cutHam()
let tomato = await try cutTomato()
return Sandwich([bread, cheese, ham, tomato])
async func makeSandwichInParallel() throws -> Sandwich {
let bread = cutBread() // -> ThrowingPromise<Bread>
let cheese = cutCheese()
let ham = cutHam()
let tomato = cutTomato()
// if bread failed, function returns ignoring other errors
return Sandwich([await try bread, await try cheese, await try ham, await try tomato])
// Using a loop:
async func makeSandwichSerially() -> Sandwich {
var pieces:[Ingredient] = []
for ingredient in ingredients {
pieces.append(await try prepareIngredient(ingredient))
return Sandwich(pieces)
// Definition of await-as-a-function
func await(Promise<T>) -> T
async func makeSandwichSerially() -> Sandwich {
var pieces:[Promise<Ingredient>] = []
for ingredient in ingredients {
return Sandwich(pieces.map(await))