import { newFlatSubsocialApi } from '@subsocial/api' |
import { ReactionId } from '@subsocial/types/substrate/interfaces' |
import { idToBn } from '@subsocial/utils' |
const MY_ACCOUNT = '3omeLMCdtrojRPf7KyvTg78EvLxyJMo7mb2bqM28EEvxmXFM' |
const config = { |
substrateNodeUrl: 'wss://rpc.subsocial.network', |
offchainUrl: 'https://app.subsocial/network/offchain', |
ipfsNodeUrl: 'https://app.subsocial/network/ipfs' |
} |
const example = async () => { |
const api = await newFlatSubsocialApi(config) |
// Get space data from Blockchain and content from IPFS |
const spaceData = await api.findSpace({ id: idToBn('1') }) |
if (spaceData) { |
const { struct, content } = spaceData |
console.log(struct, content) |
} |
// Get posts |
const spaces = await api.findPublicSpaces([ '1', '2', '3', '4' ]) |
const structs = [] |
const contents = [] |
spaces.forEach(({ struct, content }) => { |
structs.push(struct) |
contents.push(content) |
}) |
const substrate = api.subsocial.substrate |
// Get reply ids (comments) by parent post id and fetch posts by ids |
const replyIds = await substrate.getReplyIdsByPostId(idToBn('1')) |
const replies = await api.findPublicPosts(replyIds) |
console.log('replies', replies) |
//Get my space ids |
const mySpaceIds = await substrate.spaceIdsByOwner(MY_ACCOUNT) |
console.log('mySpaceIds', mySpaceIds) |
// Check that account is follower the space |
const isFollower = await substrate.isSpaceFollower(MY_ACCOUNT, idToBn('1')) |
console.log('isFollower', isFollower) |
// Get reactions (upvote/downvote) by owner in post ids [use multi requerst from blockchain] |
const substrateApi = await substrate.api |
const tuples = [ '1', '2', '3', '4' ].map(postId => [ MY_ACCOUNT, postId ]) |
const reactionIds = await substrateApi.query.reactions.postReactionIdByAccount.multi(tuples) |
const reactions = await substrate.findReactions(reactionIds as ReactionId[]) |
console.log('reactions', reactions) |
} |