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Created June 18, 2019 09:34
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Proxy object for registering object reads.
import Cocoa
protocol ImplicitlyConvertible {
associatedtype ConversionResult
func convert() -> ConversionResult
struct Reader<State>: ImplicitlyConvertible {
let state: State
let registerRead: (PartialKeyPath<State>) -> Void
subscript<Value>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<State,Value>) -> Reader<Value> {
return Reader<Value>(state: state[keyPath: keyPath]) { innerKeyPath in
let outerPath = keyPath as PartialKeyPath<State>
guard let fullKeyPath = outerPath.appending(path: innerKeyPath) else {
fatalError("Not matching key path")
func convert() -> State {
return state
postfix operator ~
postfix func ~<T>(value: T) -> T.ConversionResult where T: ImplicitlyConvertible {
struct CounterPair {
let left: Int
let right: Int
struct AppState {
let counter: Int
let history: [Int]
let pair: CounterPair
struct Props {
let currentValue: Int
func map(state: Reader<AppState>) -> Props {
return Props(currentValue: state.pair.left~)
let state = AppState(counter: 10, history: [], pair: CounterPair(left: 20, right: 30))
let reader = Reader(state: state) { kp in
let props = map(state: reader)
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