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Created May 27, 2023 11:03
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scheme dart 1
Future<void> main() async {
// final program = '(define x 42)';
final program = '(begin (define circle-area (lambda (r) (* pi (* r r)))) (circle-area 10))';
dynamic parse(String program) => parseTokens(tokenize(program));
List<String> tokenize(String program) => program
.replaceAll('(', ' ( ')
.replaceAll(')', ' ) ')
.split(' ')
.where((token) => token.isNotEmpty)
dynamic parseTokens(List<String> tokens) {
if (tokens.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('Unexpected EOF');
final token = tokens.removeAt(0);
if (token == '(') {
final elements = <dynamic>[];
while (tokens.first != ')') {
if (tokens.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('Unexpected EOF');
tokens.removeAt(0); // remove ')'
return elements;
} else if (token == ')') {
throw Exception('Unexpected ")"');
} else {
return _atom(token);
dynamic _atom(String token) {
// parse doubles
final d = double.tryParse(token);
if (d != null) {
return d;
// parse booleans
if (token == '#t') {
return true;
if (token == '#f') {
return false;
// parse strings
if (token.startsWith('"') && token.endsWith('"')) {
return token.substring(1, token.length - 1);
return Symbol(token);
class Symbol {
const Symbol(;
final String name;
String toString() => name;
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is Symbol && runtimeType == other.runtimeType && name ==;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
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