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Created April 7, 2013 20:19
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fastqc tests donuts
{"description":"fastqc tests donuts","endpoint":"","display":"div","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"config.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"metadata.csv":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"fastqc_tests.css":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"fullscreen":false,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"period","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01}
#display {
font: 10px sans-serif;
overflow: scroll;
background-color: #fff;
svg {
padding: 10px 0 0 10px;
.arc {
stroke: #fff;
var radius = 40,
padding = 10;
// Derived from "Sequential YlGnBu" set of ColorBrewer
var r2Colors = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(['PASS', 'WARN', 'FAIL', 'no_experiment', 'PASS', 'WARN', 'FAIL', 'no_experiment'])
.range(['#2C7FB8', '#7FCDBB', '#EDF8B1', '#fff', '#2C7FB8', '#7FCDBB', '#EDF8B1', '#fff']);
var r1Colors = r2Colors;
var color = r2Colors;
var test_names = {
R1: [],
R2: []
var test_names_array = [];
var arc = d3.svg.arc()
.innerRadius(radius - radius / 2);
// stolen from StackOverflow
function initArray(length, value) {
var arr = [],
i = 0;
arr.length = length;
while (i < length) {
arr[i++] = value;
return arr;
var slices = initArray(22, 100);
//console.log('slices', slices)
var pie = d3.layout.pie()
.value(function (d) {
return d.slice;
var data = tributary.metadata;
//d3.csv("metadata.csv", function (data) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(data))"#display").selectAll("p")
data.forEach(function (d) {
// Initialize the test_names variable by looping over the keys
// if this is the first iteration of the loop
if (test_names['R1'].length === 0) {
for (var key in d) {
if (/read\d_test\d+_/.test(key)) {
if (/read1/.test(key)) {
} else {
// console.log("created test_names")
// console.log('test_names.R1', test_names.R1)
test_names_array = [].concat(test_names.R2, test_names.R1);
// console.log('test_names_array', test_names_array);
if (d.read1_fastqc_report != "no_experiment") {
d.read_colors = {
"R2": r1Colors,
'R1': r1Colors
d.links = {
"R2": d.read2_fastqc_report,
'R1': d.read1_fastqc_report
d.if_experiment = true;
d.test_results = {};
d.test_colors = [];
d.tests = [];
var test = '';
// for (var read in test_names) {
// The following prints, so the error must be after this
// console.log('read', read)
// for( var read_ind in [0,1]){
// read = ['R2', 'R1'][read_ind];
// console.log('read', read);
for( var i = 0; i < test_names.R2.length; i++ ){
// for (var i = 0; i < test_names[read].length; i++) {
test = test_names.R2[i];
// console.log(test);
d.test_results[test] = d[test];
d.tests.push({color: r1Colors(d[test]), result: d[test],
slice:100, test_name: test});
i = test_names.R1.length;
//for( i = 0; i < test_names[read].length; i++ ){
// for (var i = 0; i < test_names[read].length; i++) {
test = test_names.R1[i];
// console.log(test);
d.test_results[test] = d[test];
d.tests.push({color: r1Colors(d[test]), result: d[test],
slice:100, test_name: test});
// console.log(d.tests);
// }
// }
// }
/* console.log(color.domain().map(function(result){
return {result: result, slice:10 }
/* console.log('in data.forEach, d.reads:', d.reads);*/
// console.log(d.test_results);
// console.log(d.test_colors);
// The following appeared 48 times, so the error must appear after this
// console.log('after d.test_results')
// 'v' is one of test_names
// 'n' is one of R1, R2
d.test_colors = [];
for( var read in test_names){
for( var test in test_names[read]){
// Attempt at making d.test_colors via a funciton
/* d.test_colors = function (n, v) {
// console.log('v:', v);
if (n === 'R1') {
return r1Colors(d.test_results.R1[v]);
} else {
return r2Colors(d.test_results.R2[v]);
// The following appeared 48 times, so the error must appear after this
// console.log('after d.test_colors')
} else {
d.read_colors = {
"R1": '#FFFFFF',
"R2": '#FFFFFF'
d.links = {
"R2": "#",
'R1': "#"
d.if_experiment = false;
// 22 is the number of FASTQC tests ... this should probably NOT be hard coded
d.test_colors = initArray(22, '#FFFFFF');
d.test_results = initArray(22, 'no_experiment');
d.tests = initArray(22, {color: '#FFFFFF', result: 'no_experiment',
slice:100, test_name:'no_experiment'});
/* for( var j = 0 ; j < test_names_array.length ; j++ ){
test_name = test_names_array[j];
d.tests[j][test_name] = 'no_experiment';
//slices: d.slices, color: d.test_colors};
/* d.reads = function(i){
// console.log('in d.reads', d);
// console.log('in d.reads, i', d.test_results[i]);
return {slice:d.slices[i], color:d.test_colors[i]};
// console.log('in data.forEach', d.reads(12));
/* d.reads = color.domain().map(function(result){
return {result: result, slice: 10 }
// The following appeared 96 times, for the 96 cells in the 8x12 plate
//console.log('about to do d.reads')
// = function () {
// console.log('read_name' + read_name);
/* var get_short_name = function (name) {
var names = {};
names["Read 1"] = "R1";
names["Read 2"] = "R2";
return names[name];
// console.log('in d.reads', d);
// return {name: name, population: 50};
var test_name = function (read_name) {
return test_names[get_short_name(name)];
// console.log(test_name);
// console.log('test_results', d.test_results);
// console.log('test_colors', d.test_colors);
// console.log('read_name', read_name);
// return {
d.slices = slices;
// console.log('d.slices', d.slices);
/* d.reads = {
'name': d.short_id, ///read_name,
'population': slices, //10,
'if_experiment': d.if_experiment,
// population: [10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10],
// short_name: get_short_name(read_name),
'test_names': test_name,
// test_results: d.test_results,
'colors': d.test_colors, //[].concat(d.test_colors.R2, d.test_colors.R1),
'links': d.links
// };
// };
// console.log(d.reads('Read 1'));
var legendR1 ="#display").append("svg")
.attr("class", "legend")
.attr("width", radius * 2)
.attr("height", radius * 2)
.attr("transform", function (d, i) {
return "translate(0," + i * 20 + ")";
.attr("width", 18)
.attr("height", 18)
.style("fill", r1Colors);
.attr("x", 24)
.attr("y", 9)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function (d) {
return d;
var svg ="#display").selectAll(".pie")
.attr("class", "pie")
.attr("width", radius * 2)
.attr("height", radius * 2)
.attr("transform", function (d, i) {
return "translate(" + radius + "," + radius + ")"
return pie(d.tests); })
.attr('class', 'arc')
.attr('d', arc)
.style('fill', function (d,i) {
/* function (d) {
console.log("in svg selectAll arc, d:", d);
console.log('d.reads', d.reads());
return pie(d.reads);
.attr("class", "arc")
.attr("d", arc)
function (d) {
console.log('in xlink:href');
function (d) {[], "_blank");
.style("fill", function (d, i) {
// console.log(;
// console.log(i);
// console.log(;
// console.log(test_names);
// return, d.test_names(;
return '#A6CEE3'; //, test_names[i]);
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text(function (d) {
return d.short_id;
.attr("dx", 25)
.attr("dy", "-35")
.style("text-anchor", "right")
.text(function (d) {
if (d.if_experiment) {
return 'R2'
} else {
return " "
.attr("dx", -35)
.attr("dy", "-35")
.style("text-anchor", "left")
.text(function (d) {
if (d.if_experiment) {
return 'R1'
} else {
return " "
// $(".arc").onclick(function(){transition().duration(1000)});
gravity: $.fn.tipsy.autoNS,
html: true,
title: function () {
var d = this.__data__//, c = colors(d.i);
console.log('in tipsy, d', d)
// return 'Click here to see the FASTQC report for';
short_id full_id read1_fastqc_report read2_fastqc_report read1_test1_basic_stats read1_test2_base_quality read1_test3_sequence_quality read1_test4_base_sequence_content read1_test5_base_gc read1_test6_seq_gc read1_test7_base_n read1_test8_seq_len read1_test9_seq_dup read1_test10_overrep_seq read1_test11_kmer_content read2_test1_basic_stats read2_test2_base_quality read2_test3_sequence_quality read2_test4_base_sequence_content read2_test5_base_gc read2_test6_seq_gc read2_test7_base_n read2_test8_seq_len read2_test9_seq_dup read2_test10_overrep_seq read2_test11_kmer_content
A1 Sample_A1 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A2 Sample_A2 Sample_A2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_A2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
A3 Sample_A3 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A4 Sample_A4 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A5 Sample_A5 Sample_A5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_A5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
A6 Sample_A6 Sample_A6/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_A6/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
A7 Sample_A7 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A8 Sample_A8 Sample_A8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_A8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
A9 Sample_A9 Sample_A9/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_A9/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
A10 Sample_A10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A11 Sample_A11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
A12 Sample_A12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B1 Sample_B1 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B2 Sample_B2 Sample_B2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B3 Sample_B3 Sample_B3/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B3/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B4 Sample_B4 Sample_B4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B5 Sample_B5 Sample_B5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B6 Sample_B6 Sample_B6/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B6/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B7 Sample_B7 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B8 Sample_B8 Sample_B8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_B8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
B9 Sample_B9 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B10 Sample_B10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B11 Sample_B11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
B12 Sample_B12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C1 Sample_C1 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C2 Sample_C2 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C3 Sample_C3 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C4 Sample_C4 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C5 Sample_C5 Sample_C5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_C5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
C6 Sample_C6 Sample_C6/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_C6/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL PASS WARN PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN PASS FAIL
C7 Sample_C7 Sample_C7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_C7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
C8 Sample_C8 Sample_C8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_C8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
C9 Sample_C9 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C10 Sample_C10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C11 Sample_C11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
C12 Sample_C12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
D1 Sample_D1 Sample_D1/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D1/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D2 Sample_D2 Sample_D2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D3 Sample_D3 Sample_D3/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D3/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D4 Sample_D4 Sample_D4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN PASS WARN PASS FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS WARN
D5 Sample_D5 Sample_D5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D6 Sample_D6 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
D7 Sample_D7 Sample_D7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D8 Sample_D8 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
D9 Sample_D9 Sample_D9/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_D9/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
D10 Sample_D10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
D11 Sample_D11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
D12 Sample_D12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E1 Sample_E1 Sample_E1/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E1/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
E2 Sample_E2 Sample_E2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
E3 Sample_E3 Sample_E3/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E3/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
E4 Sample_E4 Sample_E4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
E5 Sample_E5 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E6 Sample_E6 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E7 Sample_E7 Sample_E7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN PASS WARN PASS FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS WARN
E8 Sample_E8 Sample_E8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_E8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
E9 Sample_E9 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E10 Sample_E10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E11 Sample_E11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
E12 Sample_E12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
F1 Sample_F1 Sample_F1/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F1/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F2 Sample_F2 Sample_F2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS PASS WARN FAIL
F3 Sample_F3 Sample_F3/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F3/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F4 Sample_F4 Sample_F4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F5 Sample_F5 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
F6 Sample_F6 Sample_F6/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F6/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F7 Sample_F7 Sample_F7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F8 Sample_F8 Sample_F8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F9 Sample_F9 Sample_F9/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_F9/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
F10 Sample_F10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
F11 Sample_F11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
F12 Sample_F12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G1 Sample_G1 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G2 Sample_G2 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G3 Sample_G3 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G4 Sample_G4 Sample_G4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G5 Sample_G5 Sample_G5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G6 Sample_G6 Sample_G6/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G6/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G7 Sample_G7 Sample_G7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G8 Sample_G8 Sample_G8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G9 Sample_G9 Sample_G9/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_G9/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
G10 Sample_G10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G11 Sample_G11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
G12 Sample_G12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H1 Sample_H1 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H2 Sample_H2 Sample_H2/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H2/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H3 Sample_H3 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H4 Sample_H4 Sample_H4/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H4/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H5 Sample_H5 Sample_H5/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H5/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H6 Sample_H6 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H7 Sample_H7 Sample_H7/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H7/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H8 Sample_H8 Sample_H8/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H8/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H9 Sample_H9 Sample_H9/R1_fastqc/fastqc_report.html Sample_H9/R2_fastqc/fastqc_report.html PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS WARN WARN FAIL
H10 Sample_H10 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H11 Sample_H11 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
H12 Sample_H12 no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment no_experiment
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