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Last active May 7, 2023 22:43
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Woocommerce Sales Widget (Current month and Year) - iOS, Scriptable
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: yellow; icon-glyph: stats;
* Display Woocommerce Sales for current month
* Widget made by Oliver Kehl -
// Your website URL e.g.
const website = ""
// Your website name
const websiteName = "Webseite"
// Your Woocommerce REST-API Key and Secret ( You need to enable the REST-API Settings! )
const key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
const secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"
// Styling
const fontName = "Futura-Medium"
const bgcolor = new Color("FFBF07")
const fontColor = new Color("273540")
const mainfontColor = new Color("fff")
// Calculate with Tax
var with_tax = true;
var currency = "\u20AC" // Euro-Sign: \u20AC
* DON'T EDIT after this line
* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
// Get Date formats
var date = new Date();
var currentDate = new Date()
var day = currentDate.getDate()
var month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1
var year = currentDate.getFullYear()
var todaysdate = year + "-" + month + "-" + day
var currentYear = date.getFullYear();
var currentmonth = ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var monthName = date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' });
// API Folder
const folder = "reports/sales"
// Generate Api URL
const apifilter = "filter[date_min]=" + currentYear + "-01-01&filter[date_max]=" + todaysdate
const reportsUrl = website + "/wc-api/v2/" + folder + "?" + apifilter + "&consumer_key=" + key + "&consumer_secret=" + secret
const reportsRequest = new Request(reportsUrl)
const reportsData = await reportsRequest.loadJSON()
// Get Api Data
var salesreport = reportsData.sales
if (config.runsInWidget) {
// create and show widget
let widget = createWidget()
function createWidget() {
let widget = new ListWidget()
widget.setPadding(16, 16, 16, 0)
widget.backgroundColor = bgcolor
let header = widget.addText(websiteName.toUpperCase())
header.font = Font.boldSystemFont(14)
header.textColor = fontColor
let headerSubRow = widget.addStack()
let headerSubStack = headerSubRow.addStack()
let headersub = headerSubStack.addText("Umsatz".toUpperCase())
headersub.font = Font.regularSystemFont(12)
headersub.textColor = fontColor
// Get orders for current month
const salesReportTotalsEntries = Object.entries(salesreport.totals);
const salesReportTotalOrders = salesReportTotalsEntries.reduce((a, v) => {
const currentMonthOrders = v[0].split('-')[1];
if (!a[currentMonthOrders]) {
a[currentMonthOrders] = Number(v[1].orders);
return a;
a[currentMonthOrders] += Number(v[1].orders);
return a;
}, {});
const showcurrentMonthOrders = salesReportTotalOrders[currentmonth]
// Get sales for month
const salesReportTotalsByMonths = salesReportTotalsEntries.reduce((a, v) => {
const currentMonthSales = v[0].split('-')[1];
if (!a[currentMonthSales]) {
a[currentMonthSales] = Number(v[1].sales);
return a;
a[currentMonthSales] += Number(v[1].sales);
return a;
}, {});
const showcurrentMonthsales = salesReportTotalsByMonths[currentmonth]
// Get sales for current month shipping
const salesReportShippingByMonths = salesReportTotalsEntries.reduce((a, v) => {
const currentMonthSalesShipping = v[0].split('-')[1];
if (!a[currentMonthSalesShipping]) {
a[currentMonthSalesShipping] = Number(v[1].shipping);
return a;
a[currentMonthSalesShipping] += Number(v[1].shipping);
return a;
}, {});
const showcurrentMonthsalesShipping = salesReportShippingByMonths[currentmonth]
const showcurrentMonthsalesNet = showcurrentMonthsales - showcurrentMonthsalesShipping
const currentMonthNet = Number(Math.round(showcurrentMonthsalesNet+'e2')+'e-2')
// Get current month Tax
const salesReportTaxByMonths = salesReportTotalsEntries.reduce((a, v) => {
const currentMonthTax = v[0].split('-')[1];
if (!a[currentMonthTax]) {
a[currentMonthTax] = Number(v[1].tax);
return a;
a[currentMonthTax] += Number(v[1].tax);
return a;
}, {});
const showcurrentMonthTax = salesReportTaxByMonths[currentmonth]
const showcurrentMonthTaxShipNet = showcurrentMonthsales - showcurrentMonthsalesShipping - showcurrentMonthTax
const currentMonthNetTax = Number(Math.round(showcurrentMonthTaxShipNet+'e2')+'e-2')
// check if sales are more than last month
const lastmonthnumber = ("0" + (date.getMonth())).slice(-2);
const lastmonth = salesReportTotalsByMonths[lastmonthnumber]
function arrowDown() {
let arrowDownIcon = SFSymbol.named('arrow.down.right');
let arrowDownIconElement = headerSubStack.addImage(arrowDownIcon.image)
arrowDownIconElement.imageSize = new Size(10, 10)
arrowDownIconElement.tintColor =
function arrowUp() {
let arrowUpIcon = SFSymbol.named('arrow.up.right');
let arrowUpIconElement = headerSubStack.addImage(arrowUpIcon.image)
arrowUpIconElement.imageSize = new Size(10, 10)
arrowUpIconElement.tintColor =
// Display arrow behind subtitle
if (currentmonth > lastmonth) {
} else {
// Show current month orders quantity
let ordersRow = widget.addStack()
let ordersStack = ordersRow.addStack()
ordersStack.backgroundColor = Color.white()
ordersStack.setPadding(4, 4, 4, 4)
ordersStack.cornerRadius = 4
let OrdersIcon = SFSymbol.named('tray.and.arrow.down.fill');
let OrdersIconElement = ordersStack.addImage(OrdersIcon.image)
OrdersIconElement.imageSize = new Size(12, 12)
OrdersIconElement.tintColor = fontColor
let totalMonthOrders = ordersStack.addText(showcurrentMonthOrders + " Bestellung(en)")
totalMonthOrders.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(10)
totalMonthOrders.textColor = fontColor
// Show current month gross
let totalMonthGross = widget.addText(showcurrentMonthsales.toFixed(2).toString().replace(".",",") + " " + currency)
totalMonthGross.font = new Font(fontName, 25)
totalMonthGross.textColor = mainfontColor
// Generate Tax Variable
var currentMonth_tax_or_not = "";
if(with_tax) {
var currentMonth_tax_or_not = currentMonthNetTax;
} else {
var currentMonth_tax_or_not = currentMonthNet;
let totalMonthGrosstitle = widget.addText(monthName.toUpperCase() + " — " + currentMonth_tax_or_not.toString().replace(".",",") + " " + currency)
totalMonthGrosstitle.font = Font.boldSystemFont(9)
totalMonthGrosstitle.textColor = fontColor
// Show years total gross
let totalYearGross = widget.addText(salesreport.total_sales.replace(".",",") + " " + currency)
totalYearGross.font = new Font(fontName, 20)
totalYearGross.textColor = mainfontColor
let totalYearGrosstitle = widget.addText("Jahr — ".toUpperCase() + salesreport.net_sales.replace(".",",") + " " + currency)
totalYearGrosstitle.font = Font.boldSystemFont(9)
totalYearGrosstitle.textColor = fontColor
return widget
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olikdesign commented Nov 2, 2020

Dieses Widget zeigt dir die aktuelle Anzahl an Bestellungen, den Umsatz des aktuellen Monats, sowie den Jahresumsatz für deine Woocommerce Webseite.

Was wird benötigt?

  • Deine Webseiten-Url
  • Woocommerce API Key und Secret

Noch nicht umgesetzt:

  • Zurzeit werden nur die Versandkosten zur Berechnung des Nettowertes subtrahiert.
  • Caching der aktuellen Daten
  • Grafische Statistik für alle Monate (eventuell als Medium Widget)

Neu ist die Verwendung der Mehrwertsteuer in der Berechnung des monatlichen Netto-Wertes.

Ein Pfeil zeigt den derzeitigen Stand gegenüber des Vormonats.

Wer Lust hat, kann den Code gerne überarbeiten und seine Ideen mit einfließen lassen.

Widget Konfiguration

// Your website URL e.g.
const website = ""

  • Trage deine Webseiten Domain ein. Achte darauf, das am Ende kein "/"- Slashzeichen gesetzt wird.

// Your website name
const websiteName = "Webseite"

  • Hier kannst du deinen Webseiten Namen oder Wunschnamen eintragen, welcher im Widget ganz oben angezeigt wird.

// Your Woocommerce REST-API Key and Secret ( You need to enable the REST-API Settings! )
const key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
const secret = "YOUR_API_SECRET"

  • Den API Key und Secret Code erstellst du in den Woocommerce Einstellungen
    Woocommerce -> Einstellungen ->Erweitert -> REST-API
    Dort klickst du auf Schlüssel hinzufügen und kannst dem ganzen einen Namen vergeben.
    Als Berechtigung reicht "Lesen".
  • Danach muss noch "Veraltete API" aktiviert werden.
    Woocommerce -> Einstellungen ->Erweitert -> Veraltete API
    Aktivieren der alten REST-API

// Styling
const fontName = "Futura-Medium"
const bgcolor = new Color("FFBF07")
const fontColor = new Color("273540")
const mainfontColor = new Color("fff")

  • fontName ändert die Schriftart
  • bgcolor ändert die Hintergrundfarbe
  • fontColor ändert die Titel und Unterschriftenfarbe
  • mainfontColor ändert die Hauptfarbe. (Umsatzzahlen und Bestellanzahl Hintergrund)

// Calculate with Tax
var with_tax = true;

  • Aktiviere die Berechnung des Nettowertes mit Abzug der Mehrwertsteuer.
    Hier können zwei Werte angegeben werden. "true" für Ja und "false" für nein

var currency = "\u20AC" // Euro-Sign: \u20AC

  • Um das Währungssymbol zu ändern, hast du hier die Möglichkeit.


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Hi @olikdesign,
thank you for the code for scriptable dashboard. I'm trying to get the data from my WC store, but getting an error:
Error on line 85:62: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'salesreport.totals')

Can you help me with this one?

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Check your Settings:

  • Domain
  • Api Key
  • Api Secret
  • Rest Api Setting

Sounds like there is your mistake.

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Hi @olikdesign,

i have got the same error as @filip-zz. Shop-URL, Key and secret was right. Can you maybe help to fix this issue? Maybe there is an update of woocommerce and a variable can not be catched?

Thank you and best regards.

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the code above is working with actual version of woocommerce.

check if your Rest Api Setting is enabled in the woocommerce settings

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