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Oliver Garwil oliverseal

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signaes / Rails Console time travel
Created February 18, 2020 22:29
Using active support time helpers to change the current date in the rails console
require 'active_support/testing/time_helpers'
# the class below could have any name
class Tempo
include ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers
# any desidered date
desired_date = - 2.days
Dhertz /
Last active March 28, 2023 02:06
Quick overview of how to get Apple's new TV screensavers working on most linux systems.

Using Apple’s Aerial Screensavers on Ubuntu After coming across the [Aerial] ( screensavers for Mac, and installing them, I decided that I had had enough of the graphics-demos of my Ubuntu Precise system. I hope to provide a simple guide on how to add them to your setup as well.

First, you need to install xscreensaver (for example with aptitude, but your distro should have it):

sudo aptitude install xscreensaver
dergachev /
Last active October 13, 2024 05:26
Forward your clipboard via SSH reverse tunnels

Exposing your clipboard over SSH

I frequently administer remote servers over SSH, and need to copy data to my clipboard. If the text I want to copy all fits on one screen, then I simply select it with my mouse and press CMD-C, which asks relies on m y terminal emulator (xterm2) to throw it to the clipboard.

This isn't practical for larger texts, like when I want to copy the whole contents of a file.

If I had been editing large-file.txt locally, I could easily copy its contents by using the pbcopy command:

mbostock / .block
Last active February 20, 2025 10:51
Gradient Along Stroke
license: gpl-3.0
revolunet /
Created February 3, 2011 17:04
add context to your django error pages
# by default, django 404 and 500 pages dont pass context to templates.
# as you almost *always* need context variables in your custom
# 404/500 templates, you might need MEDIA_URL for example
# you need to create a custom view for errors and register it in your
# in add :
# handler500 = handler404 = views.server_error