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Created May 25, 2016 15:01
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Generate a graph specification that can be fed into graphviz. A function by Rory Winston.
# generate a graph specification that can be fed into graphviz
# This function was borrowed Rory Winston:
dotlattice <- function(S, labels=FALSE) {
shape <- ifelse(labels == TRUE, "plaintext", "point")
cat("digraph G {", "\n", sep="")
cat("node[shape=",shape,", samehead, sametail];","\n", sep="")
# Create a dot node for each element in the lattice
for (i in 1:length(S)) {
cat("node", i, "[label=\"", S[i], "\"];", "\n", sep="")
# The number of levels in a binomial lattice of length N
# is `$\frac{\sqrt{8N+1}-1}{2}$`
L <- ((sqrt(8*length(S)+1)-1)/2 - 1)
for (i in 1:L) {
tabs <- rep("\t",i-1)
j <- i
while(j>0) {
k <- k + 1
j <- j - 1
cat("}", sep="")
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