- FastAPI
- TaskTiger
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- peewee
- structlog
- React Bootstrap
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- etcd
- Napalm ??
- React
- PostgreSQL
- structlog
- APScheduler
- peewee
- supervisor superlance
A scheduler with a good dashboard, which isn't dependant on a framework we're not using (Django, etc).
List of features to have or implement:
- tasks run forked
- single instance of task in queue
- lock similar tasks
- retry exceptions all or select, with timers
- random selection from queues
- periodic tasks
- structured logging
- tasktiger has all the features we need
- Redis only
- dashboard uses flask-admin
- full featured
- code seems a little... undeveloped?
- dramatiq
- RabbitMQ or Redis
- can pipeline actors easily
- bit confusing terminology
- can age and time out tasks
- Mr. Q has a nice dashboard
- Needs Redis and MongoDB
- has class rather than decorator approach?
- interesting mapping of cli params to args
- only greenlets
- docs seem thin
- huey2 has no dashboard
- Redis or sqlite (and possibly postgresql)
- cannot age or time out tasks
- seems to have no queue introspection
Related interesting projects:
- APScheduler
Data is stored in the database according to the model (YANG).
graph LR
A(discovery) --> B(interface)
B -- which emits --> C(YANG)
C --> D(database)
Use of database views to create the objects required for the API.
graph LR
A(database) --> B(view)
B --> C(API)
C --> D(frontend)
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