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Created November 20, 2023 13:42
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Creating an animated GIF image from an array of textures in Unity with VideoKit.
public static async Task<MediaAsset> CreateGIF (Texture2D[] textures) {
// Make sure `textures` is not empty
// Make sure every texture has the same size (width and height)
// Make sure every texture has the `TextureFormat.RGBA32` format
// Create recorder
var width = textures[0].width;
var height = textures[0].height;
var frameRate = 5;
var recorder = await MediaRecorder.Create(
width: width,
height: height,
frameRate: frameRate
// Commit your frames
foreach (var texture in textures)
recorder.CommitFrame(texture.GetRawTextureData<byte>(), 0L);
// Finish recording
var path = await recorder.FinishWriting(); // On WebGL, this `path` is a blob URL.
var asset = await MediaAsset.FromFile(path); // VideoKit offers useful utilities with the `MediaAsset` class
// Return
return asset;
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