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Created October 27, 2011 17:10
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Pygments DartLexer for syntax highlighting. Example and installation instructions: <>
class DartLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Dart <>`_ source code.
name = 'Dart'
aliases = ['dart']
filenames = ['*.dart']
mimetypes = ['text/x-dart']
flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'#!(.*?)$', Comment.Preproc),
(r'(#)(import|library|source)', bygroups(Text, Keyword)),
(r'[^\S\n]+', Text),
(r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
(r'/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline),
(r'(class|interface)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text), 'class'),
r'if|in|is|new|return|super|switch|this|throw|try|while)\b', Keyword),
r'native|operator|set|static|typedef|var)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
(r'(bool|double|Dynamic|int|num|Object|String|void)', Keyword.Type),
(r'(false|null|true)', Keyword.Constant),
(r'@"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String.Double), # raw string
(r"@'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single), # raw string
(r'"', String.Double, 'string_double'),
(r"'", String.Single, 'string_single'),
(r'[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_]*:', Name.Label),
(r'[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name),
(r'[~!%^&*+=|?:<>/-]', Operator),
(r'[(){}\[\],.;]', Punctuation),
(r'0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+', Number.Hex),
(r'\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?', Number), # DIGIT+ (‘.’ DIGIT*)? EXPONENT?
(r'\.\d+([eE][+-]?\d+)?', Number), # ‘.’ DIGIT+ EXPONENT?
(r'\n', Text)
# pseudo-keyword negate intentionally left out
'class': [
(r'[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name.Class, '#pop')
'string_double': [
(r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
(r'[^"$]+', String.Double),
(r'(\$)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', bygroups(String.Interpol, Name)),
bygroups(String.Interpol, using(this, _startinline=True), String.Interpol)),
(r'\$+', String.Double)
'string_single': [
(r"'", String.Single, '#pop'),
(r"[^'$]+", String.Single),
(r'(\$)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', bygroups(String.Interpol, Name)),
bygroups(String.Interpol, using(this, _startinline=True), String.Interpol)),
(r'\$+', String.Single)
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