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Created August 8, 2017 12:34
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rapture-csv in Ammonite REPL
territory_id first_name last_name email employee_id
XMOWSM54 Peter Alexander [email protected] E00QTOF
XMRNBM47 Samuel Lopez [email protected] E00UBFA
XMOWMF87 Elizabeth Stone [email protected] E00WDYK
XMZWPW22 William Carroll [email protected] E00VDYQ
XMOWRW46 Carolyn Little [email protected] E00HUPR
XMZNDX26 Marilyn Robinson [email protected] E00ZJGS
XMZNAI68 Christopher Rogers [email protected] E00DCHF
XMONCD74 Anthony Allen [email protected] E00ACEQ
XMRNMD81 Martin Baker [email protected] E00DKRZ
XMZWEP67 Kenneth Black [email protected] E00WPRM
XMONMU36 Ernest Harper [email protected] E00QEMW
XMOWYQ05 Kathryn Morris [email protected] E00GNRI
XMONGU42 Sarah Garza [email protected] E00LVWB
XMZNZL99 Arthur Young [email protected] E00HAQN
XMZNSB40 Harry Butler [email protected] E00ETYF
XMONIR25 Janet Knight [email protected] E00PGJO
XMOWQS30 Kelly Hernandez [email protected] E00VWFM
XMRNVO18 Tammy Banks [email protected] E00VBPJ
XMZWGN33 Deborah Cole [email protected] E00LSNA
XMZWIZ28 Frances Holmes [email protected] E00APTS
XMONGA47 Christina Burns [email protected] E00DGIB
XMRNKF51 Jason Mills [email protected] E00EZNU
XMZNDT10 Ernest Day [email protected] E00UMVH
XMOWGY81 Joan Rivera [email protected] E00PCLK
XMZWHG83 Nancy Hudson [email protected] E00CITD
XMRNIH32 Kimberly Thomas [email protected] E00VIUQ
XMZNZH01 Catherine Fowler [email protected] E00DCZJ
XMZNNC54 Laura Hernandez [email protected] E00CNUG
XMRWQC06 Theresa Burke [email protected] E00UNHR
XMONDL08 Tina Warren [email protected] E00SQVC
XMOWEK42 Thomas Lynch [email protected] E00FBYQ
XMZWSR67 Juan Allen [email protected] E00UWNR
XMOWOD21 Jane Mendoza [email protected] E00CSRE
XMZWFQ07 Russell Andrews [email protected] E00LRGI
XMONQE94 Kathy White [email protected] E00VKGN
XMRWRU95 Judith Snyder [email protected] E00QTIU
XMONNW27 Carl Nichols [email protected] E00EGOX
XMZWDV58 Karen Elliott [email protected] E00JBLR
XMZNBK56 Thomas Grant [email protected] E00TRBD
XMONQF71 James Coleman [email protected] E00PFGR
XMZNGQ51 Brenda Bennett [email protected] E00JKWR
XMZNPH94 Victor Hart [email protected] E00PMLO
XMZWCL63 Joseph Richards [email protected] E00VQOE
XMZNTH41 Justin Stanley [email protected] E00PQCL
XMZNBB01 Carlos Smith [email protected] E00FCJD
XMOWDI95 Stephanie Martinez [email protected] E00BPYS
XMZNJQ72 Keith Franklin [email protected] E00CIHT
XMONKA16 Bruce Andrews [email protected] E00BYCI
XMONKX98 Antonio Rose [email protected] E00CETA
XMZNBM97 Chris Boyd [email protected] E00XAPQ
XMZNWO30 Stephanie Dunn [email protected] E00GOKP
XMOWXQ66 Phillip Perez [email protected] E00GXEZ
XMZWLI99 James Garza [email protected] E00KZHP
XMZWXT45 Richard Cunningham [email protected] E00CKUV
XMZWYI99 Carlos Hart [email protected] E00ZLUK
XMZNWW61 William Rice [email protected] E00CMST
XMOWZO24 Patrick Kennedy [email protected] E00GEHS
XMRNAZ74 Lillian Nguyen [email protected] E00YXNC
XMOWAK57 Matthew Reyes [email protected] E00RGEF
XMOWTF81 Eric Andrews [email protected] E00SZGA
XMOWEN19 Brian Freeman [email protected] E00KYJV
XMONEC87 Joe Payne [email protected] E00HMIZ
XMZNJJ44 Edward Berry [email protected] E00QSEO
XMRNBD66 Karen Banks [email protected] E00CJPF
XMRWGU30 Diane Mcdonald [email protected] E00QSFJ
XMRNKL43 Lois Harris [email protected] E00ZPKT
XMZWPB73 Marilyn Coleman [email protected] E00QIHW
XMRWUS18 Jacqueline Alexander [email protected] E00CPJM
XMONWK31 Donald Adams [email protected] E00MIBW
XMOWAV47 Virginia Anderson [email protected] E00IUMO
XMZWBH32 Anna Hayes [email protected] E00HRCU
XMONPK26 Thomas Jacobs [email protected] E00KPQA
XMZWNO54 Amanda Peters [email protected] E00JKZC
XMONUH49 Martha Lane [email protected] E00KQDG
XMRNFA05 Anne Price [email protected] E00HYPJ
XMRNRF73 Craig Garrett [email protected] E00NXAG
XMZWZH49 Andrea Castillo [email protected] E00IXDN
XMRNLD81 Deborah Sanders [email protected] E00HQOG
XMONXS56 Gerald Crawford [email protected] E00YNSB
XMZWES74 Donald Palmer [email protected] E00WCON
XMZWQZ17 Kathy Welch [email protected] E00IACR
territory_id first_name last_name email employee_id
NP00 Peter Alexander [email protected] E00QTOF
NP01 Samuel Lopez [email protected] E00UBFA
NP02 Elizabeth Stone [email protected] E00WDYK
NP03 William Carroll [email protected] E00VDYQ
NP06 Carolyn Little [email protected] E00HUPR
NP07 Marilyn Robinson [email protected] E00ZJGS
NP08 Christopher Rogers [email protected] E00DCHF
NP10 Anthony Allen [email protected] E00ACEQ
NP12 Martin Baker [email protected] E00DKRZ
NP14 Kenneth Black [email protected] E00WPRM
NP15 Ernest Harper [email protected] E00QEMW
NP16 Kathryn Morris [email protected] E00GNRI
NP18 Sarah Garza [email protected] E00LVWB
NP20 Arthur Young [email protected] E00HAQN
NP21 Harry Butler [email protected] E00ETYF
NP22 Janet Knight [email protected] E00PGJO
NP23 Kelly Hernandez [email protected] E00VWFM
NP24 Tammy Banks [email protected] E00VBPJ
NP25 Deborah Cole [email protected] E00LSNA
NP26 Frances Holmes [email protected] E00APTS
NP27 Christina Burns [email protected] E00DGIB
P000 Jason Mills [email protected] E00EZNU
PM00 Ernest Day [email protected] E00UMVH
PMC0 Joan Rivera [email protected] E00PCLK
PMC2 Nancy Hudson [email protected] E00CITD
PMC3 Kimberly Thomas [email protected] E00VIUQ
PMC4 Catherine Fowler [email protected] E00DCZJ
PMC6 Laura Hernandez [email protected] E00CNUG
PMC7 Theresa Burke [email protected] E00UNHR
PME0 Tina Warren [email protected] E00SQVC
PME1 Thomas Lynch [email protected] E00FBYQ
PME2 Juan Allen [email protected] E00UWNR
PME4 Jane Mendoza [email protected] E00CSRE
PME5 Russell Andrews [email protected] E00LRGI
PME6 Kathy White [email protected] E00VKGN
PME7 Judith Snyder [email protected] E00QTIU
PMN2 Carl Nichols [email protected] E00EGOX
PMN3 Karen Elliott [email protected] E00JBLR
PMN4 Thomas Grant [email protected] E00TRBD
PMW0 James Coleman [email protected] E00PFGR
PMW1 Brenda Bennett [email protected] E00JKWR
PMW3 Victor Hart [email protected] E00PMLO
PMW4 Joseph Richards [email protected] E00VQOE
PMW5 Justin Stanley [email protected] E00PQCL
PMW6 Carlos Smith [email protected] E00FCJD
PMW7 Stephanie Martinez [email protected] E00BPYS
PO00 Keith Franklin [email protected] E00CIHT
POE0 Bruce Andrews [email protected] E00BYCI
POE1 Antonio Rose [email protected] E00CETA
POE2 Chris Boyd [email protected] E00XAPQ
POE4 Stephanie Dunn [email protected] E00GOKP
POE5 Phillip Perez [email protected] E00GXEZ
POE6 James Garza [email protected] E00KZHP
POE7 Richard Cunningham [email protected] E00CKUV
POW1 Carlos Hart [email protected] E00ZLUK
POW3 William Rice [email protected] E00CMST
POW4 Patrick Kennedy [email protected] E00GEHS
POW5 Lillian Nguyen [email protected] E00YXNC
POW7 Matthew Reyes [email protected] E00RGEF
PR00 Eric Andrews [email protected] E00SZGA
PR01 Brian Freeman [email protected] E00KYJV
PR02 Joe Payne [email protected] E00HMIZ
PR03 Edward Berry [email protected] E00QSEO
PR05 Karen Banks [email protected] E00CJPF
PR06 Diane Mcdonald [email protected] E00QSFJ
PR07 Lois Harris [email protected] E00ZPKT
PR08 Marilyn Coleman [email protected] E00QIHW
PR09 Jacqueline Alexander [email protected] E00CPJM
PR10 Donald Adams [email protected] E00MIBW
PR12 Virginia Anderson [email protected] E00IUMO
PRE0 Anna Hayes [email protected] E00HRCU
PRW0 Thomas Jacobs [email protected] E00KPQA
PSC0 Amanda Peters [email protected] E00JKZC
PSN3 Martha Lane [email protected] E00KQDG
PSN5 Anne Price [email protected] E00HYPJ
PSN6 Craig Garrett [email protected] E00NXAG
PT01 Andrea Castillo [email protected] E00IXDN
PW00 Deborah Sanders [email protected] E00HQOG
PWN1 Gerald Crawford [email protected] E00YNSB
PWN4 Donald Palmer [email protected] E00WCON
PX00 Kathy Welch [email protected] E00IACR
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
// copied from
libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" % "ammonite-repl" % "0.5.7" %
"test" cross CrossVersion.full
initialCommands in (Test, console) := """"")"""
// started with `s// start REPL with `sbt test:console`
load.ivy("com.propensive" %% "rapture-csv" % "2.0.0-M5")
import rapture.uri._
// to support "file://" URLs
import rapture.fs._
val file_before = uri"file:///tmp/before.csv"
val file_after = uri"file:///tmp/after.csv"
// so we know how to decode the bytes on disk
import rapture.codec.encodings.`UTF-8`._
// so we know how to parse CSV
import rapture.csv._
import rapture.csv.csvBackends.simple._
val c1 = Csv.parse(file_before)
val c2 = Csv.parse(file_after)
// now we can explore, for example...
c1.filter( i => i(1).toString.startsWith("F") )
// goal: map old territory IDs to new
// we'll include a filter to keep the results smaller for discussion
val letter = "J"
val byEmp1 = c1.
filter( i => i(1).toString.startsWith(letter) ).
map( i => ( i(4).toString, i(0).toString ) ).toMap
val byEmp2 = c2.
filter( i => i(1).toString.startsWith(letter) ).
map( i => ( i(4).toString, i(0).toString ) ).toMap
val mapping = b => (b._2, byEmp2(b._1) ) )
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