If you need increase in computational power from your workstation this might be a right post for you. Power management, in this case CPU Governor, is a software that assures the "best" power consumption by a computer for a particular task.
For some reason in Ubuntu 20.04 a default CPU governor (even on stationary PCs) is powersave. This comes in handy, if you are using it for some office applications (text processor, email, client, webbrowsing). However for a real-time control of the electromechanical systems such as robots where we have to be able to use computers performance at full, or for machine learning we desire to minimize time spent on training a model. A small amount of performance boost can be obtain choosing the right CPU governor in our case performance profile.
You can enable performance CPU governor on your computer following the instructions below.
Open your favorite shell and type following command.
$ sudo systemctl disable ondemand.service
$ echo perfor