Step 1
If any version of postman is installed we need to remove it
sudo rm -rf /opt/Postman
Step 2
Inspired By: grafana/loki#333
version: "3"
### NOTE ### | |
The below gist is converted to a blog post and available at below link. Refer than instead. | | | |
#### Note about kernel versions #### | |
Between kernel versions 4.2 and 4.4 there are different options that need to bet set |
filename="DamagedBeam.pts" | |
from numpy import loadtxt | |
from numpy import savetxt | |
lines = loadtxt(filename,skiprows=1) | |
size=str(lines[:,0].size) | |
header = "VERSION .7\nFIELDS x y z\nSIZE 4 4 4\nTYPE F F F\nCOUNT 1 1 1\nWIDTH "+size+"\nHEIGHT 1\nVIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\nPOINTS "+size+"\nDATA ascii" | |
pcd=lines[:,[0,1,2]] | |
savetxt("DamagedBeam.pcd", pcd, fmt="%f",header=header,comments='') |