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Last active March 25, 2016 16:09
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Sublime Text - Plugins

Sublime Initial Config

  • Package Control: Copy the text from '' and paste in the console 'view > show console' (after it restart the program)
  • Show Sidebar: view > sidebar > showsidebar

Sublime Theme

  • Material Theme: install package > material theme. After go to 'Preferences > Settings User' and paste

    "theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",

  • Colorsublime: This plugin leave us able to change color scheme. Now is possible use 'ctrl+shit+p > Install Theme' and see previously a color scheme to install

My Sublime Text Plugins

  • AlignTab
  • AutoFileName
  • Autoprefixer (auto prefix CSS)
  • Bracket Highlighter
  • ColorHighlighter
  • ColorSublime
  • ColorSublime - Themes
  • Compass
  • EditorConfig
  • Emmet
  • FilterLines
  • Git
  • GitGutter
  • GitIgnore
  • Gulp: Set Key Binding (Preferences > Key Bindings - User) { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+g"], "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "default" } }
  • HTMLAttributes (Complete html atributtes)
  • JavaScript Completions
  • Sass and Sass Snippets
  • SCSS and SCSS Snippets
  • SFTP
  • SublimeOnSaveBuild
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