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Created January 12, 2015 13:40
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  • Save omega8cc/eb446d5b834a758172b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save omega8cc/eb446d5b834a758172b6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
quad:~# grep _DB_SERIES .barracuda.cnf
quad:~# grep _STRONG_PASSWORDS .barracuda.cnf
quad:~# barracuda up-modern php-56
BOA [11:59:50] ==> BOA Skynet welcomes you aboard!
BOA [11:59:54] ==> INFO: UPGRADE
Do you want to proceed with the upgrade? [Y/n]
BOA [12:00:00] ==> Aegir on Debian/wheezy - Skynet Agent v.BOA-2.4.0-dev
BOA [12:00:41] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions
BOA [12:00:45] ==> INFO: Running system packages update...
BOA [12:01:13] ==> INFO: Upgrading required libraries and tools, please wait...
BOA [12:01:34] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade, please wait...
BOA [12:01:58] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB and PHP configuration
BOA [12:01:58] ==> INFO: Running MySQLTuner check on all databases...
BOA [12:01:58] ==> NOTE! This step may take a LONG time, please wait...
BOA [12:01:59] ==> INFO: OS and services upgrade completed
BOA [12:01:59] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server, please wait...
BOA [12:02:12] ==> INFO: Upgrading MariaDB tables if necessary...
Do you want to upgrade Aegir Master Instance? [Y/n]
BOA [12:03:15] ==> INFO: Running Aegir Master Instance upgrade
BOA [12:03:33] ==> INFO: Downloading drush mini-7-01-01-2015...
BOA [12:03:36] ==> INFO: Installing Aegir Provision backend...
BOA [12:03:36] ==> INFO: Downloading Drush and Provision extensions...
BOA [12:03:38] ==> INFO: Running hostmaster-migrate, please wait...
BOA [12:04:28] ==> INFO: Aegir Master Instance upgrade completed
Do you want to upgrade Compass Tools for root? [Y/n]
BOA [12:04:56] ==> INFO: Running Compass Tools upgrade...
BOA [12:05:11] ==> INFO: Compass Tools upgrade for root completed
BOA [12:05:13] ==> INFO: Restarting Jetty 9
BOA [12:05:18] ==> INFO: Restarting Redis, PHP-FPM and Nginx
BOA [12:05:27] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server
BOA [12:05:43] ==> CARD: Now charging your credit card for this magic show...
BOA [12:05:49] ==> CARD: Thank you for entering your correct PIN code...
BOA [12:05:55] ==> CARD: It will take a moment to process your payment...
BOA [12:06:04] ==> JOKE: Just kidding !!! Enjoy your Aegir Hosting System :)
BOA [12:06:10] ==> Final post-upgrade cleaning, one moment...
BOA [12:06:11] ==> BYE!
BARRACUDA upgrade completed
quad:~# cat .my.cnf
quad:~# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 75
Server version: 5.5.41-MariaDB-1~wheezy binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> status
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.41-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2
quad:~# grep _DB_SERIES .barracuda.cnf
quad:~# grep _STRONG_PASSWORDS .barracuda.cnf
quad:~# barracuda up-modern php-56
BOA [12:31:22] ==> BOA Skynet welcomes you aboard!
BOA [12:31:26] ==> INFO: UPGRADE
Do you want to proceed with the upgrade? [Y/n]
BOA [12:31:32] ==> Aegir on Debian/wheezy - Skynet Agent v.BOA-2.4.0-dev
BOA [12:31:44] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions
BOA [12:31:49] ==> INFO: Running system packages update...
BOA [12:32:16] ==> INFO: Upgrading required libraries and tools, please wait...
BOA [12:32:38] ==> INFO: Running MariaDB upgrade and then PHP forced rebuild...
BOA [12:33:39] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB, please wait...
BOA [12:34:59] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server, please wait...
BOA [12:35:04] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server completed
BOA [12:35:04] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade, please wait...
BOA [12:35:27] ==> INFO: PHP to 5.6.4 rebuild forced
BOA [12:35:27] ==> INFO: Installing PHP 5.6.4, please wait...
BOA [12:35:32] ==> INFO: Installing PHP 5.6.4 part 1/3
BOA [12:35:34] ==> INFO: Installing PHP 5.6.4 part 2/3
BOA [12:36:06] ==> INFO: Installing PHP 5.6.4 part 3/3
BOA [12:44:41] ==> INFO: Installing PhpRedis for PHP 5.6.4...
BOA [12:44:53] ==> INFO: Installing UploadProgress for PHP 5.6.4...
BOA [12:44:59] ==> INFO: Installing JSMin for PHP 5.6.4...
BOA [12:45:07] ==> INFO: Installing Imagick for PHP 5.6.4...
BOA [12:45:19] ==> INFO: Installing MailParse for PHP 5.6.4...
BOA [12:45:28] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB and PHP configuration
BOA [12:45:28] ==> INFO: Running MySQLTuner check on all databases...
BOA [12:45:28] ==> NOTE! This step may take a LONG time, please wait...
BOA [12:45:29] ==> INFO: OS and services upgrade completed
BOA [12:45:29] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server, please wait...
BOA [12:45:42] ==> INFO: Upgrading MariaDB tables if necessary...
Do you want to upgrade Aegir Master Instance? [Y/n]
BOA [13:35:09] ==> INFO: Running Aegir Master Instance upgrade
BOA [13:35:29] ==> INFO: Downloading drush mini-7-01-01-2015...
BOA [13:35:32] ==> INFO: Installing Aegir Provision backend...
BOA [13:35:32] ==> INFO: Downloading Drush and Provision extensions...
BOA [13:35:34] ==> INFO: Running hostmaster-migrate, please wait...
BOA [13:36:06] ==> INFO: Aegir Master Instance upgrade completed
Do you want to upgrade Compass Tools for root? [Y/n]
BOA [13:36:09] ==> INFO: Running Compass Tools upgrade...
BOA [13:36:25] ==> INFO: Compass Tools upgrade for root completed
BOA [13:36:27] ==> INFO: Restarting Jetty 9
BOA [13:36:32] ==> INFO: Restarting Redis, PHP-FPM and Nginx
BOA [13:36:41] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server
BOA [13:36:58] ==> CARD: Now charging your credit card for this magic show...
BOA [13:37:04] ==> CARD: Thank you for entering your correct PIN code...
BOA [13:37:10] ==> CARD: It will take a moment to process your payment...
BOA [13:37:19] ==> JOKE: Just kidding !!! Enjoy your Aegir Hosting System :)
BOA [13:37:25] ==> Final post-upgrade cleaning, one moment...
BOA [13:37:26] ==> BYE!
BARRACUDA upgrade completed
quad:~# cat .my.cnf
quad:~# mysql
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 35
Server version: 10.0.15-MariaDB-1~wheezy binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle, SkySQL Ab and others.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]>
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