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Last active April 24, 2017 14:39
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  • Save omerfarukz/81e9a16d35aa3baf1eb4d6c48825a701 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$response = (curl "")
$headerPassed = $False
ForEach ($line in $($response.Content -split '[\r\n]')) {
if ($headerPassed -eq $False) {
$headerPassed = $line.StartsWith("# =")
$mime = $null;
$extensions = $null;
if($line.StartsWith("#")) {
$mime = $line.Substring(2)
$m, $e = ($line -split '\t')
$mime = $m | ? {$_}
$extensions = $e | ? {$_}
"MIME: $mime E: $extensions"
ForEach ($e in $extensions -split ' ' | ? {$_}) {
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