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Created November 16, 2024 10:00
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Golang PostgreSQL connection pool example Go ^1.18
package db
import (
type (
Conn interface {
Exec(ctx context.Context, sql string, arguments ...any) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
Query(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...any) (pgx.Rows, error)
QueryRow(ctx context.Context, sql string, args ...any) pgx.Row
ConnPool interface {
Acquire(ctx context.Context) (Conn, error)
PGX struct {
pool *pgxpool.Pool
Config struct {
ConnRetry int
MaxOpenConns int
MinOpenConns int
DescriptionCacheCapacity int
StatementCacheCapacity int
ConnTimeout time.Duration
MaxOpenConnTTL time.Duration
MaxIdleConnTTL time.Duration
MaxConnLifetimeJitterTTL time.Duration
QueryExecMode string
User string
Password string
Host string
Port string
Name string
func (cfg Config) GetDSN() string { // nolint:gocritic
query := make(url.Values)
if cfg.MaxOpenConns > 0 {
query.Set("pool_max_conns", strconv.Itoa(cfg.MaxOpenConns))
if cfg.MinOpenConns > 0 {
query.Set("pool_min_conns", strconv.Itoa(cfg.MinOpenConns))
if cfg.MaxOpenConnTTL > 0 {
query.Set("pool_max_conn_lifetime", cfg.MaxOpenConnTTL.String())
if cfg.MaxIdleConnTTL > 0 {
query.Set("pool_max_conn_idle_time", cfg.MaxIdleConnTTL.String())
if cfg.MaxIdleConnTTL > 0 {
query.Set("pool_max_conn_idle_time", cfg.MaxIdleConnTTL.String())
if cfg.MaxConnLifetimeJitterTTL > 0 {
query.Set("pool_max_conn_lifetime_jitter", cfg.MaxConnLifetimeJitterTTL.String())
if cfg.StatementCacheCapacity >= 0 {
query.Set("statement_cache_capacity", strconv.Itoa(cfg.StatementCacheCapacity))
if cfg.DescriptionCacheCapacity >= 0 {
query.Set("description_cache_capacity", strconv.Itoa(cfg.DescriptionCacheCapacity))
if cfg.QueryExecMode != "" {
query.Set("default_query_exec_mode", cfg.QueryExecMode)
dsn := url.URL{
Scheme: "postgres",
User: url.UserPassword(cfg.User, cfg.Password),
Host: net.JoinHostPort(cfg.Host, cfg.Port),
Path: cfg.Name,
RawQuery: query.Encode(),
return dsn.String()
func NewPGX(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) (*PGX, error) { //nolint:gocritic
pool, err := pgxpool.New(ctx, cfg.GetDSN())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create db conn pool")
if err = PingConnection(ctx, &cfg, func(pingCtx context.Context) error {
return pool.Ping(pingCtx)
}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create db conn pool")
return &PGX{pool: pool}, nil
func NewSQL(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) (*sql.DB, error) { //nolint:gocritic
poolCfg, err := pgx.ParseConfig(cfg.GetDSN())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create db conn pool")
pool := stdlib.OpenDB(*poolCfg)
if err = PingConnection(ctx, &cfg, func(pingCtx context.Context) error {
return pool.PingContext(pingCtx)
}); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "create db conn pool")
return pool, nil
func PingConnection(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config, pinger func(ctx context.Context) error) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(cfg.ConnTimeout)
defer ticker.Stop()
var err error
for i := 0; i < cfg.ConnRetry; i++ {
switch err = pinger(ctx); err {
case nil:
return nil
case context.Canceled, context.DeadlineExceeded:
return errors.Wrap(err, "ping database connection")
zap.L().Error("failed to ping database connection", zap.Error(err))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return errors.Wrap(ctx.Err(), "ping database connection")
case <-ticker.C:
return errors.Wrap(err, "ping database connection")
func (d *PGX) Acquire(ctx context.Context) (Conn, error) {
return d.pool.Acquire(ctx)
func (d *PGX) Close() error {
return nil
func (d *PGX) CollectMetrics(ctx context.Context) error {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
s := d.pool.Stat()
select {
case <-done:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
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