I hereby claim:
- I am omgitsads on github.
- I am omgitsads (https://keybase.io/omgitsads) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBnFBhAYzqSSh15QmrS4q9HIQlTm8cKopYd-sJf54W_FAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required | |
filetype off " required | |
set backspace=indent,eol,start | |
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') | |
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' | |
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim' | |
Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' |
Nein, ich verstehe Sie nicht. | |
Nein, ich sehe ihn heute nicht, aber morgen. | |
Nein, ich leibe sie nicht. | |
Ja, ich liebe ihn. | |
Ja, ich liebe es sehr. | |
Ja, euch liebe ich auch. | |
Nein, ich sehe euch nicht. | |
Nein, ich beleigte er nicht. | |
Ja, ich sehe es. |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
require 'rubygems' | |
require 'octokit' | |
Octokit.configure do |c| | |
c.api_endpoint = ENV['GITHUB_API'] | |
end | |
# Create Admin Client with PAT with site_admin scope. | |
admin_client = Octokit::EnterpriseAdminClient.new( |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
set nocompatible " be iMproved | |
filetype off " required! | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ | |
call vundle#rc() | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle | |
" required! | |
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' |
set-option -g status on | |
set-option -g status-interval 2 | |
set-option -g status-utf8 on | |
set-option -g status-justify "centre" | |
set-option -g status-left-length 60 | |
set-option -g status-right-length 90 | |
set-option -g status-left "#(~/.tmux-powerline/powerline.sh left)" | |
set-option -g status-right "#(~/.tmux-powerline/powerline.sh right)" | |
set -g status-bg black |
module StringTest | |
def hello | |
"hello" | |
end | |
end | |
class String | |
include StringTest | |
end |
for i in `find /data -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name "monit.d" ! -name "nginx" ! -name "lost+found" ! -name "homedirs" ! -name "data"`; | |
do | |
appname=`echo ${i} | awk -F/ '{print $3}'` | |
version='' | |
if [ -f $i/current/Gemfile.lock ]; | |
then | |
version=`egrep "^ *rails \([0-9\.]+\)" $i/current/Gemfile.lock | egrep -o "[0-9\.]+"` | |
else | |
version=`gem list | egrep -o "^rails \([^,\)]+" | egrep -o "[0-9\.]+"` |
last_revision = run "cat #{current_path}/REVISION" | |
assets_modified = run "git diff --name-only #{last_revision} | grep '/assets/' | wc -l" | |
if assets_modified.output.to_i > 0 | |
info "#{assets_modified} asset files changed detected. Compiling assets" | |
cd #{release_path} && PATH=#{release_path}/ey_bundler_binstubs:$PATH #{config.framework_envs} rake assets:precompile RAILS_GROUPS=assets" | |
else | |
info "No asset changes detected. Copying assets from previous" | |
current = shared_path + '/assets' |