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Created June 18, 2016 06:27
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// A loop drop table for Unity, somewhat inspired by
// TODO: Use properties { get; set } to automatically call UpdateWeightRanges() when
// any Weight is changed, or any item is added or removed from the list
// We could then also add an autoupdating (readonly) Sum field, replacing calls to GetSumOfWeights()
// TODO: Rather than making Prefab a GameObject, call it Obj and make this a LootTable<T> generic so we
// can use any type as the associated object.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System;
public class LootTable : MonoBehaviour {
public string Name;
public bool AutoRefreshOnEmpty = false;
public class Item : ICloneable
public string Name;
public GameObject Prefab;
public int Weight;
public float[] WeightRange = new float[2] {-1f, -1f};
* This makes a simple shallow copy - if the object gets more complex fields (eg lists ?),
* we need to change to using a deep copy, eg:
public object Clone()
return this.MemberwiseClone();
public List<Item> ItemWeights;
List<Item> _savedItemWeights;
void Start ()
public int GetSumOfWeights()
// we avoid LINQ Sum here for iOS & other AOT platform compatibility
//int sum = ItemWeights.Sum<Item>(i => i.Weight);
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i < ItemWeights.Count; i++) {
sum += ItemWeights[i].Weight;
//Debug.Log("Sum of weights: " + sum, this);
return sum;
public void UpdateWeightRanges()
int sum = GetSumOfWeights();
float prevItemMax = 0f;
for (int i=0; i < ItemWeights.Count; i++)
var item = ItemWeights[i];
if (item.Weight == 0) continue;
if (item.WeightRange == null) item.WeightRange = new float[2] { -1f, -1f };
item.WeightRange[0] = prevItemMax;
item.WeightRange[1] = prevItemMax + (((float)item.Weight) / sum);
prevItemMax = item.WeightRange[1];
public List<Item> CopyItemWeights()
return CopyItemWeights(ItemWeights);
List<Item> CopyItemWeights(List<Item> weights)
var itemWeights = new List<Item>();
foreach (var item in weights)
return itemWeights;
public void SaveItemWeights() {
_savedItemWeights = CopyItemWeights();
public void RestoreItemWeights() {
ItemWeights = CopyItemWeights(_savedItemWeights);
* Sampling with replacement (eg dice roll).
public Item GetRandom()
float rnd = UnityEngine.Random.value;
foreach (var item in ItemWeights)
if (item.Weight == 0) continue;
//Debug.Log("Item weight range:" + item.WeightRange[0] + "," + item.WeightRange[1], this);
if (rnd > item.WeightRange[0] && rnd <= item.WeightRange[1]) return item;
if (!AutoRefreshOnEmpty) Debug.LogWarning("LootTable - get item failed. No items in table ?", this);
return null;
* Sampling without replacement (eg draw a card from a deck, don't put it back).
public Item RemoveRandom()
var item = GetRandom();
if (item == null && AutoRefreshOnEmpty)
item = GetRandom();
if (item == null)
if (AutoRefreshOnEmpty) Debug.LogWarning(
"LootTable - RemoveRandom with AutoRefreshOnEmpty failed. No items in table ?", this);
return null;
if (item.Weight > 0) item.Weight--;
return item;
public void Decrement(string itemName)
foreach (var item in ItemWeights)
if (item.Name == itemName)
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
public void Decrement(GameObject prefab)
foreach (var item in ItemWeights)
if (item.Prefab == prefab)
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
void _Test() {
var _originalWeights = CopyItemWeights();
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
var item = GetRandom();
if (item != null)
Debug.Log("Loot drop with replacement - " + item.Name, this);
Debug.Log("No items in table !", this);
for (int i = 0; i < 102; i++)
var item = RemoveRandom();
if (item != null)
Debug.Log("Loot drop without replacement - " + item.Name, this);
Debug.Log("No items in table !", this);
// restore to original state
ItemWeights = _originalWeights;
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