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Last active March 11, 2023 19:56
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Save omicr0n/10612247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TagPro userscript to inject user ranks based off of data into the game next to each player.
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Rank Userscript
// @namespace
// @description Displays ranks on users ingame based on data
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author OmicroN
// @version 0.7
// ==/UserScript==
tagpro.ready(function() {
// Stores the options for user to customize the script
rankoptions = []
The identifier to use to pull either the actual number
or rank for the various different stats available
Number Rank
Win Percent | win-percent | win-percent-rank
Wins | wins | wins-rank
Losses | losses | losses-rank
Games | games | games-rank
Hours |
Minutes/Game | minute-game | minute-game-rank
Disconnects | dcs | dcs-rank
Grabs | grabs | grabs-rank
Grabs/Game | grab_game | grab-game-rank
Grabs/Hour | grab-hour | grab-hour-rank
Drops | drops | drops-rank
Drops/Game | drop-game | drop-game-rank
Drops/Hour | drop-hour | drop-hour-rank
Popped | popped | popped-rank
Pops/Game | pop-game | pop-game-rank
Pops/Hour | pop-hour | pop-hour-rank
Tags | tags | tags-rank
Tags/Game | tag-game | tag-game-rank
Tags/Hour | tag-hour | tag-hour-rank
Returns | returns | returns-rank
Returns/Game | return-game | return-game-rank
Returns/Hours | return-hour | return-hour-rank
Captures | captures | captures-rank
Captures/Game | cap-game | cap-game-rank
Captures/Hour | cap-hour | cap-hour-rank
Captures/Grab | caps-grab | caps-grab-rank
Tags/Pop | tag-pop | tag-pop-rank
Non-Return Tags | nrtags | nrtags-rank
Support | support | support-rank
Hold | hold | hold-rank
Prevent | prevent | prevent-rank
rankoptions['query'] = 'win-percent';
// Timespan to pull data from 'all' for all time or 'month' for monthly stats.
rankoptions['timespan'] = 'month';
// HTML HEX color of the injected stats text for authorized/non authorized users
rankoptions['color-auth'] = '#FDD017'; // Default #FDD017 (gold)
rankoptions['color-nonauth'] = '#CCCCCC'; // Default #FFFFFF (white)
// Position to place stat text relative to top left corner of player name
// limited to a x/width of 200 and y/height of 45
rankoptions['position'] = {x: 50, y: 27};
// Stores the playerid/names of players who have already been parsed/ranked in the current game
ranked = [];
// Simple function to get the length of an object
function objectLength(obj) {
var result = 0;
for(var prop in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return result;
// Variable to hold the name/value pair playerids and names for our GET request
var querystring = '';
// Loop through all current players in the game and build querystring variable
for (var pID in tagpro.players)
// Add player to ranked array so we don't pull stats for them again this game
ranked[pID] = tagpro.players[pID].name;
querystring += "player[" + pID + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(tagpro.players[pID].name) + "&";
if (querystring) {
// Use the options and the list of players in the game and make an AJAX get request to stats query page/site
$.get('' + rankoptions['query'] + '&timespan=' + rankoptions['timespan'] + '&' + querystring, function(data) {
// Parse returned results as JSON, results are returned key/value of playerid/requested stat
var results = $.isPlainObject(data) ? data : $.parseJSON(data);
// Loop through the results and draw the requested stat next to each players ball using the options set above in the script
for (pID in results)
var rank = tagpro.renderer.prettyText(results[pID], tagpro.players[pID].auth ? rankoptions['color-auth'] : rankoptions['color-nonauth']);
rank.x = 70; rank.y = -4; tagpro.players[pID];
// Create a listener on the tagpro socket object for the 'p' event which is used for
// various aspects of the game but also used when a new player joins the game
tagpro.socket.on('p', function(data) {
data = data.u || data;
setTimeout(function() {
// This whole code block is similar to the one above except when your spectating a game a new player joins for some reason there
// is no u object assocated with the passed data and instead is passed as an array in the first key so we check that first key to
if (typeof data[0] !== "undefined" && typeof data[0].name !== "undefined" && typeof ranked[data[0].id] === "undefined")
querystring = '';
for (var i = 0; i < objectLength(data); i++)
// Add player to ranked array so we don't pull stats for them again this game
ranked[data[i].id] = data[i].name;
querystring += "player[" + data[i].id + "]=" + encodeURIComponent(data[i].name) + "&";
if (querystring) {
// Use the options and the list of players in the game and make an AJAX get request to stats query page/site
$.get('' + rankoptions['query'] + '&timespan=' + rankoptions['timespan'] + '&' + querystring, function(data) {
// Parse returned results as JSON, results are returned key/value of playerid/requested stat
var results = $.isPlainObject(data) ? data : $.parseJSON(data);
// Loop through the results and draw the requested stat next to each players ball using the options set above in the script
for (pID in results)
var rank = tagpro.renderer.prettyText(results[pID], tagpro.players[pID].auth ? rankoptions['color-auth'] : rankoptions['color-nonauth']);
rank.x = 70; rank.y = -4; tagpro.players[pID];
}, 1000);
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