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onderaltintas / script.turf-sandbox
Created October 16, 2023 00:11
turf-sandbox snippet
// simply return a valid GeoJSON and it will be rendered on the map
const p = turf.point(
[0, 90],
{'marker-symbol': 'rocket', 'marker-color': '#F00', 'marker-size': 'large'}
const poly = turf.polygon([[
//below code just defines html2canvas written by some smart guy or something liek that.
!function(A,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):(A="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:A||self).html2canvas=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";
var r=function(A,e){return(r=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(A,e){A.__proto__=e}||function(A,e){for(var t in e),t)&&(A[t]=e[t])})(A,e)};function A(A,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(e)+" is not a constructor or null");function t(){this.constructor=A}r(A,e),A.prototype=null===e?Object.create(e):(t.prototype=e.prototype,new t)}var h=function(){return(h=Object.assign||function(A){for(var e,t=1,r=arguments.length;t<r;t++)for(var B in e=arguments[t]),B)&&(A[B]=e[B]);return A}).apply(this,arguments)};function a(A,s,o,i){return new(o=o||Pr
onderaltintas / roll for item drop
Created March 19, 2023 21:38
Let's say we are making a rpg hack and slash game, there are 5 item drops. Drop chances differs. This function calculates which item will drop based on their probabilities. I didn't write it, chatGPT did.
function rollForDrop() {
// List of items, with their drop chances as weights
const items = {
"Sword": 0.2,
"Shield": 0.1,
"Potion": 0.3,
"Gold": 0.25,
"Gem": 0.15
function doit(sec){
console.log("execution is starting for "+ sec + " seconds. Now:"+(new Date()).toString());
var now =;
while( - now < sec * 1000);
console.log("execution succeed for "+sec+" seconds. Now:"+(new Date()).toString());
onderaltintas / chat-frontend.js
Created September 23, 2019 18:59 — forked from martinsik/chat-frontend.js
Node.js chat frontend and server
$(function () {
"use strict";
// for better performance - to avoid searching in DOM
var content = $('#content');
var input = $('#input');
var status = $('#status');
// my color assigned by the server
var myColor = false;
onderaltintas / jsonp.js
Created August 25, 2018 05:30 — forked from gf3/jsonp.js
Simple JSONP in vanilla JS
* loadJSONP( url, hollaback [, context] ) -> Null
* - url (String): URL to data resource.
* - hollaback (Function): Function to call when data is successfully loaded,
* it receives one argument: the data.
* - context (Object): Context to invoke the hollaback function in.
* Load external data through a JSONP interface.
* ### Examples
onderaltintas / Global.asax
Created May 3, 2018 10:55 — forked from jkresner/Global.asax
Asp .net Mvc 4 Proxy Server/Controller (For help with Cross Domain Request)
public class WebApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
RouteTable.Routes.MapRoute("HttpProxy", "proxy/{*path}", new { controller = "Proxy", action = "Http" })
onderaltintas / SteamCountTotalFromPage
Created June 16, 2016 17:36
Counts total money of your steam market listings. Usage: Copy script -> go to my active listings -> right click on page -> inspect element -> console -> paste -> enter
// Usage: Copy script -> community -> market -> go to my active listings -> right click on page ->
// inspect element -> console -> paste -> enter
var sumAll = function()
var pageContent = document.body.innerHTML;
var regX = /\((.?[0-9].[0-9][0-9]).*?\)/g
var matches = pageContent.match(regX)
var total = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < matches.length;i++)
// Creates polar arc coordinates with given x0, y0 center coordinates, radius, start angle(polar degree north = 0),
// end angle, number of segments.
function createPolarArc(xO,yO,r,startAngle,endAngle,stepSize)
var ring = [];
var cartesianStartAngle = 90 - startAngle;
if(startAngle > endAngle)
cartesianStartAngle = (360 + cartesianStartAngle)%360