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I used to work remotely back when it wasn't mainstream

Marcelo Luiz Onhate onhate

I used to work remotely back when it wasn't mainstream
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mhart /
Created September 28, 2019 18:26
Simple module caching script, for CI or similar
#!/bin/bash -ex
# Tries to download latest cached node_modules based on package-lock.json
# If it can't, then `npm ci` and push up node_modules to cache
# Assumes S3_BUCKET env var has been set, and that `aws` credentials
# are configured (either in env, or ~/.aws/credentials)
CHECKSUM=$(sha256sum package-lock.json | awk '{print $1}')
P7h /
Last active July 31, 2024 06:46
Script to download JDK / JRE / Java binaries from Oracle website from terminal / shell / command line / command prompt
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### Shell script to download Oracle JDK / JRE / Java binaries from Oracle website using terminal / command / shell prompt using wget.
### You can download all the binaries one-shot by just giving the BASE_URL.
### Script might be useful if you need Oracle JDK on Amazon EC2 env.
### Script is updated for every JDK release.
### Features:-
# 1. Resumes a broken / interrupted [previous] download, if any.
# 2. Renames the file to a proper name with including platform info.