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Currently enchanting distributed systems with ML magic 🧪🔮💻

Marwen Ounis onixus74

Currently enchanting distributed systems with ML magic 🧪🔮💻
  • Copia Wealth Studios
  • Montreal
View GitHub Profile
onixus74 / Liveview upload s3 china
Last active May 29, 2022 01:32 — forked from goofansu/app.js
Liveview upload directly to AWS China S3

LiveView upload directly to AWS China S3

onixus74 /
Created October 25, 2021 14:05 — forked from petermueller/
Phoenix + esbuild + yarn + postcss + tailwindcss + cpx2

Getting started

If you just want to copy-paste this it should "just work", but you'll need to get yarn set up. Follow the instructions at OR just run:

  • npm install -g yarn
  • yarn set version berry
  • yarn install # this should make a .yarn/, yarn.lock, and .pnp.js

Mix Tasks

If you want to run these outside of the context of a running phoenix server, you can also run the mix tasks, mix assets.install and mix assets.compile. They are a copy paste of some the CLI bits but you could abstract them out to point to a config/cmds.exs or something if you wanted.


onixus74 / model.ex
Created April 15, 2021 18:35 — forked from narrowtux/model.ex
Recursive models with ecto
defmodule Model do
schema "models" do
field :foo, :string
has_many :children, Model, foreign_key: :parent_id
belongs_to :parent, Model, foreign_key: :parent_id
@doc """
Recursively loads parents into the given struct until it hits nil
10 umask 002
set -g fish_user_paths "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin" $fish_user_paths
source ~/.asdf/
set -g pure_color_mute yellow
alias '_workspace'="cd /mnt/c/Users/marwen/PATH_TO/_Workspace/"
Here's how to make jQuery DataTables work with npm and webpack. DT checks for AMD compatibility first
which breaks when you're using CommonJS with webpack.
Install DT core: npm install
Install a DT style: npm install (bootstrap)
Install the imports-loader webpack plugin:
Create a loader "exception" just for DT in webpack.config.js:
module: {
loaders: [
onixus74 / jquery-datatables-webpack
Created March 16, 2020 19:19 — forked from obonyojimmy/jquery-datatables-webpack with webpack
Here's how to make jQuery DataTables work with npm and webpack. This is the simplest way I found to do it.
See the previous revision of this gist for a way to do it with forcing AMD to be disabled if you need that.
Install DT core: npm install
Install a DT style: npm install
Then to initialize DT in your app, do this in your main entry point:
// you can use import or require
import dt from '';
onixus74 / iso-3166-1_codes.ex
Created March 12, 2020 14:13 — forked from delameko/iso-3166-1_codes.ex
ISO 3166-1 (alpha 2) country codes, in an Elixir list
country_codes = [
%{ iso_3166_1: "AF", name: "Afghanistan" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AX", name: "Aland Islands" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AL", name: "Albania" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "DZ", name: "Algeria" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AS", name: "American Samoa" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AD", name: "Andorra" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AO", name: "Angola" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AI", name: "Anguilla" },
%{ iso_3166_1: "AQ", name: "Antarctica" },
onixus74 /
Created January 28, 2020 16:27 — forked from kauffmanes/
Install Anaconda on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Note: $ denotes the start of a command. Don't actually type this.

Steps to Install Anaconda on Windows Ubuntu Terminal

  1. Install WSL (Ubuntu for Windows - can be found in Windows Store). I recommend the latest version (I'm using 18.04) because there are some bugs they worked out during 14/16 (microsoft/WSL#785)
  2. Go to to find the list of Anaconda releases
  3. Select the release you want. I have a 64-bit computer, so I chose the latest release ending in If I had a 32-bit computer, I'd select the version. If you accidentally try to install the wrong one, you'll get a warning in the terminal. I chose
  4. From the terminal run wget[YOUR VERSION]. Example: $ wget
  5. Run the installation script: $ bash Anaconda[YOUR VERSION].sh ($ bash
  6. Read the license
diff --git a/assets/js/App.svelte b/assets/js/App.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..221cde6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/js/App.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ export let name;
onixus74 / .tmux.conf
Last active September 9, 2022 21:33 — forked from gblmarquez/.tmux.conf
.tmux.conf with fish as default shell
#set -ga terminal-overrides ',*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q'
# Add truecolor support
#set-option -ga terminal-overrides ,xterm-256color:Tc""
# Default terminal is 256 colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
set-option -sg escape-time 10
set-option -g default-terminal "screen-256color"