As configured in my dotfiles.
start new:
start new with session name:
As configured in my dotfiles.
start new:
start new with session name:
I use tmux splits (panes). Inside one of these panes there's a Vim process, and it has its own splits (windows).
In Vim I have key bindings C-h/j/k/l
set to switch windows in the given direction. (Vim default mappings for windows switching are the same, but prefixed with C-W
.) I'd like to use the same keystrokes for switching tmux panes.
An extra goal that I've solved with a dirty hack is to toggle between last active panes with C-\
Here's how it should work:
Title: Tmux project sessions
Date: 2014-12-24 17:00
Tags: Tmux, learn-X-in-Y-minutes
Author: K. Y. Ng
This is a tutorial for setting up Tmux
for saving terminal project sessions.
helps you emulate several shell sessions within the same terminal
# Default termtype. If the rcfile sets $TERM, that overrides this value. | |
set -g default-terminal screen-256color | |
# support logging out and back in | |
# pbcopy support | |
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l bash" | |
# vi mode |
// Add our dependencies | |
var gulp = require('gulp'), // Main Gulp module | |
concat = require('gulp-concat'), // Gulp File concatenation plugin | |
open = require('gulp-open'), // Gulp browser opening plugin | |
connect = require('gulp-connect'); // Gulp Web server runner plugin | |
// Configuration | |
var configuration = { | |
paths: { |
Here's how to make jQuery DataTables work with npm and webpack. DT checks for AMD compatibility first | |
which breaks when you're using CommonJS with webpack. | |
Install DT core: npm install | |
Install a DT style: npm install (bootstrap) | |
Install the imports-loader webpack plugin: | |
Create a loader "exception" just for DT in webpack.config.js: | |
module: { | |
loaders: [ |