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Onur Özkan onur-ozkan

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# Migration: NETID 8762
## Why is this needed?
Because of two reasons;
### 1: Upgraded P2P Stack
We have recently refactored the entire network infrastructure (changes can be seen at, which caused breaking changes at the network layer as expected. This means that any peer using the old network layer will not be able to communicate with a peer using this new layer.
reading file "./heaptrack.mm2.28994.zst" - please wait, this might take some time...
Debuggee command was: ./target/release/mm2
finished reading file, now analyzing data:
361 calls to allocation functions with 139.58K peak consumption from
in /home/nimda/devspace/KomodoPlatform/atomicDEX-API/target/release/mm2
44 calls with 1.35K peak consumption from:
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/bin/python3
import subprocess
import json
def check_unspent(coin, tool_bin, use_ac_name, script_pubkey):
command = [tool_bin]
if use_ac_name == True:
command.append('-ac_name=' + coin)
"key1": "value",
"key2": 6150

Metamask has their own method for using services in a dapp that require authority. However, I find it pretty unsafe. It took around 1 hour for me to figure out the INFURA_PROJECT_ID.

When you check the source code, you can't see the hard-coded api keys. They use environment variable instead, and provide it from the builder machine. So the key must be inside of the build files.


In Metamask's browser extension, all the magic happens in the background.html running background.js which runs like a background worker. So you can't track the network on dev-tools if you don't have background.html page opened.


onur-ozkan / cloudSettings
Last active April 23, 2021 13:47
My custom vscode configuration settings