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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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NICAR15 Links
Mr. Chartmaker: Impressive new responsive charting tool built by Gregor Aisch for Upshot
markdowneyjr: Interesting (though probably fragile) approach to using Markdown for editing (i.e. how we use Google COPY docs)
Change Agent: neat, if maybe ill-advised usage of Github to version simple key/value data (written by someone at Github)
Wolfram Data Drop: Crazy new "give us all your data" platfrom that integrates with Wolfram Alpha
CensusScope: old school census data site that has precomputed 2000 and 2010 gini indices for cities and metro areas
"Why Most Published Research Findings are False": crazy article that has apparently had huge influence by debunking basically all medical research
RCFP state-by-state guide to transparency laws a super-lightweight Python ORM
Geomancer: awesome Knight + AP project to automatically connect geographies to relevant data from census/bls/etc using a wide variety of identifiers
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