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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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devkit v3 upgrade - android build issues - IRC fix
oodavid morning jdwilm
oodavid jdwilm: do you have a moment to look at issues building for android?
jdwilm oodavid: can you check that you have the core folder in native-android?
jdwilm seems like there might be a missing sym link or submodule
oodavid shall do :)
jdwilm I think there is a missing symlink in native-android/TeaLeaf/jni named 'core' which should point to native-android/native-core submodule
jdwilm Incidentally, we could probably just move the submodule and obviate the need for such a link
oodavid jdwilm: yeah, that looks like the case
oodavid just trying to figure out where npm has installed native-android/native-core
jdwilm It should be on $GAME/modules/devkit-core/modules/native-android
oodavid Ah yes :)
oodavid jdwilm: so I've linked the files using this command: ln -s ./modules/devkit-core/modules/native-android/native-core/ ./modules/devkit-core/modules/native-android/TeaLeaf/jni/core
oodavid but tis still failing to build:
jdwilm I think you need to actually `cd` into `native-android/TeaLeaf/jni` and make a link like `ln -s ../../native-core core`. I expect that the paths are not being resolved correctly after your command.
oodavid Looks like that fixes the various missing paths - but now I'm seeing a different build failed error:
oodavid (thanks BTW, I really appreciate your help)
jdwilm I don't see an error there
jdwilm other than the failure
jdwilm :(
jdwilm can you try running that with `DEVKIT_TRACE=1 devkit release native-android`
oodavid sure thing:
jdwilm oh
jdwilm I think that you need to install android sdk 19
oodavid right oh :)
jdwilm Not sure why that information is suppressed otherwise
oodavid I think this might solve a few of the issues on github, if it does I'll spread the word
jdwilm So frustrating when these things waste so much time for you folks
oodavid oh hey, I was thinking the opposite, so many folks wasting your time! heh
jdwilm In my perfect world, devkit-core updates would just work.
oodavid wouldn't that be nice!
oodavid For whatever reason my system has removed a bunch of android sdks and tools - not by my hand, but OSX is periodically running updates which might be something
oodavid (I've got a build-tools error, so I'll install those)
jdwilm You mentioned updating the `android` tool, so maybe that's related
oodavid that's true, I'll take a look at how npm manages android
jdwilm isn't that homebrew?
oodavid it's been a long day
oodavid :D
jdwilm :)
jdwilm I filed a couple of issues to hopefully get this fixed for others
oodavid what a guy
oodavid looking better, but now seeing another TeaLeaf issue:
jdwilm I think that path is supposed to point to your build folder..
jdwilm I've seen this one before
jdwilm having trouble remembering the cause
jdwilm You could maybe work around the issue by copying the from your build tree to the native-android/TeaLeaf location.
jdwilm find build -name
jdwilm heading out for a bit
oodavid jdwilm: you fabulous man! Working a treat, and running so smoothly, my word, it's lush
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