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Last active June 22, 2019 08:00
tveeder + timestamps and live updating captions everywhere
<p><a href="javascript:location.href.match(%2Ftveeder%2F)%3F(%24(%22.caption%22).each(function(a)%7Ba%3D%24(this).attr(%22data-date%22)%3Ba%3D(new%20Date(1E3*a)).toLocaleString()%3B%24(this).attr(%22title%22%2Ca)%7D)%2C%24(%22%23caption-container%22).on(%22DOMNodeInserted%22%2C%22.caption%22%2Cfunction(a)%7Ba%3D%24(%22.caption%22).last()%3Bvar%20b%3Da.attr(%22data-date%22)%3Bb%3D(new%20Date(1E3*b)).toLocaleString()%3Ba.attr(%22title%22%2Cb)%7D)%2C%22undefined%22!">tveeder+</a></p>
<p>drag that link to your bookmarks bar, click it when to visit, then <b>click again</b> for timestamps on hover over captions, and updating captions on program pages accessed through the epg.</p>
// check if on tveeder already, if not, load it.
if(!location.href.match(/tveeder/)) {window.location='' } else {
// write timestamp for every caption on page
function(index) {
var a = $(this).attr('data-date');
var b = new Date(a*1000).toLocaleString();
// if new captions are added, give them timestamps too
$('#caption-container').on('DOMNodeInserted','.caption', function(a) {
var a = $('.caption').last();
var b = a.attr('data-date');
var c = new Date(b*1000).toLocaleString();
// if program is still live (i.e. time now < end of byrange), keep adding captions
if (typeof x != "undefined") {
if ( < {
console.log('program still airing, grab live captions');
else{ console.log('program finished'); }
else{ console.log('live already, do not trigger getCaptions'); }
Copy link

ooobo commented Sep 26, 2016

go to this link to easily add the bookmarklet

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