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Last active August 14, 2023 04:01
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Save ooobo/70927090d8a93a201a28 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AppleScript: export songs from Swinsian playlist and rename as numbered files
-- great for exporting a playlist from Swinsian to another music playing software, while keeping the order of the playlist.
-- to install: open Script, paste this, go File > Export, choose File Format: application, save anywhere you like.
-- to use: select tracks to export in Swinsian, then run the app you just saved.
-- note: doesn't handle those files already existing in selected folder. pads for two-digits, adds artist - title.ext
set theFolder to choose folder
set text item delimiters to "."
tell application "Swinsian"
set selected to selection of window 1
-- check that the playlist is not empty
if selected is not {} then
-- find out how many items in the playlist
set c to count of selected's items
-- then export tracks
repeat with i from 1 to c
set trk to POSIX file (location of (item i of selected)) as alias
set trkname to name of (item i of selected)
set trkartist to artist of (item i of selected)
tell application "Finder"
set thisFile to trk
set newFile to duplicate thisFile to theFolder
set ti to text items of (get name of thisFile)
set ipad to i as text
if the length of ipad is 1 then
set ipad to "0" & i
set ipad to i
end if
if number of ti is 1 then
set newName to ipad & " " & trkartist & " - " & trkname & ""
set newName to ipad & " " & trkartist & " - " & trkname & "." & item -1 of ti
end if
set name of newFile to newName
end tell
end repeat
end if
end tell
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blisst commented Aug 14, 2018

Amazing thank you so much!

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Thegoban commented Feb 6, 2022

the script stops at 10 song complaining about it can be converted to unicode

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