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Created August 2, 2023 22:47
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a script to generate test vectors fir the discrete gaussian sampler using sha3 seeded randomness
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
import os
import sys
from prg import PrgSha3
from fractions import Fraction
# discrete gaussian sampler from here:
from discretegauss import (sample_dgauss, sample_bernoulli_exp)
dst = b''
seed = bytes(0 for i in range(PrgSha3.SEED_SIZE))
rng = PrgSha3(seed,b'',b'')
test_vector = {
'seed': seed.hex(),
'std_num': None, # set below
'std_denom': None, # set below
'samples': None, # set below
std = Fraction(sys.argv[1])
var = std**2
test_vector['std_num'] = std.numerator
test_vector['std_denom'] = std.denominator
test_vector['samples'] = [sample_dgauss(var, rng) for _ in range(1,50)]
os.system('mkdir -p test_vec/')
with open('test_vec/discrete_gauss_'+sys.argv[1]+'.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(test_vector, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
from Crypto.Hash import cSHAKE128
class PrgSha3:
"""PRG based on SHA-3 (cSHAKE128)."""
# Associated parameters
def __init__(self, seed, dst, binder):
# `dst` is used as the customization string; `seed || binder` is
# used as the main input string.
self.shake =
def next(self, length: int) -> bytes:
# generate random int in range [0,m) emulating rust BigUint uniform sampling
def randrange(self, m: int) -> int:
return gen_biguint_range(self, 0, m)
# emulate rust BigUint uniform sampling with PrgSha3. original sampler can be found here:
# we simulate u32's with ints
# i.e., the return type should be `list[u32]`
def fill_u32_array(rng: PrgSha3, data_len: int) -> list[int]:
data = []
for _ in range(data_len):
data.append(int.from_bytes(,4), 'little'))
return data
# converting list[u32] into "BigUint"
# note: index 0 contains the least-significant-digit
def u32_array_as_int(xs: list[int]) -> int:
result = 0
for i in range(len(xs)):
result += xs[i] << (32*i)
return result
# following:
def gen_bits(rng: PrgSha3, data_len: int, rem: int) -> list[int]:
data = fill_u32_array(rng, data_len)
# if we have a non-full final u32-digit (containing rem bits),
# then we forget 32-rem bits by right shifting
if rem > 0:
last = len(data) - 1
data[last] >>= 32 - rem
return data
# following:
# the result type is BigUint
def gen_biguint(rng: PrgSha3, bit_size: int) -> int:
digits, rem = divmod(bit_size, 32)
data_len = digits + (rem > 0)
data = gen_bits(rng, data_len, rem)
return u32_array_as_int(data)
# following:
def gen_biguint_below(rng: PrgSha3, bound: int) -> int:
bits = bound.bit_length()
while True:
n = gen_biguint(rng, bits)
if n < bound:
return n
# following:
def gen_biguint_range(rng: PrgSha3, lbound: int, ubound: int) -> int:
if lbound == 0:
return gen_biguint_below(rng, ubound)
return lbound + gen_biguint_below(rng, ubound - lbound)
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