Project and readme:
RaspiBlitz install script: usage:
Install Balance of Satoshis from the SERVICES menu
or on older versions:
# update NodeJS
bash off
bash on
# download bos install script
# run
bash on
Manual installation on the RaspiBlitz:
# check and install NodeJS
# create bos user
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" bos
# set up npm-global
sudo -u bos mkdir /home/bos/.npm-global
sudo -u bos npm config set prefix '/home/bos/.npm-global'
sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=$PATH:/home/bos/.npm-global/bin' >> /home/bos/.bashrc"
# download source code
sudo -u bos git clone /home/bos/balanceofsatoshis
cd /home/bos/balanceofsatoshis
# make sure symlink to central app-data directory exists ***"
# not a symlink.. delete it silently
sudo rm -rf /home/bos/.lnd
# create symlink
sudo ln -s "/mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/" "/home/bos/.lnd"
# make sure rtl is member of lndadmin
sudo /usr/sbin/usermod --append --groups lndadmin bos
# install bos
sudo -u bos npm install -g balanceofsatoshis
Run from the bos user:
$ sudo su - bos
$ bos help
WARNING: the Telegram Bot will send encrypted messages about the events on your node over clearnet, which are decrypted by the central Telegram Bot API
To avoid leaking your public IP to Telegram use torify
before the bos telegram
command to route communication through Tor:
torify bos telegram
related issue: alexbosworth/balanceofsatoshis#54
Got to
Copy the API key
in the terminal (in tmux if want to keep running):
torify bos telegram
paste the API key to the terminal
In your new TG bot:
paste the connection code to the terminal for bos.
Update the scripts from RaspiBlitz v1.4: