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Forked from fballiano/subscribeEmails.php
Last active December 23, 2015 20:46
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Import newsletter subscribers (without sending any emails) into Magento
//Change store_id value for your store id number
$store_id = 1;
//csv_filepath is the name of your csv file with your subscribers data in this case my file has the name "subscribers.csv"
//subscribers.csv without index name
1,"[email protected]"
2,"[email protected]"
$csv_filepath = "subscribers.csv";
//email_csv_column_index stand for the number of the row that has the email
$email_csv_column_index = 1;
$csv_delimiter = ',';
$csv_enclosure = '"';
$magento_path = __DIR__;
require "{$magento_path}/app/Mage.php";
$fp = fopen($csv_filepath, "r");
if (!$fp) die("{$csv_filepath} not found\n");
while (($row = fgetcsv($fp, 0, $csv_delimiter, $csv_enclosure)) !== false) {
$email = trim($row[$email_csv_column_index]);
if (strlen($email) == 0) continue;
echo "$email";
$subscriber = Mage::getModel('newsletter/subscriber')->loadByEmail($email);
if ($subscriber->getId()) {
echo " already subscribed\n";
echo " ok\n";
echo "Import finished\n";
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