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" Language: Colored CSS Color Preview | |
" Maintainer: Niklas Hofer <[email protected]> | |
" URL: svn://lanpartei.de/vimrc/after/syntax/css.vim | |
" Last Change: 2008 Feb 12 | |
" Licence: No Warranties. Do whatever you want with this. But please tell me! | |
" Version: 0.6 | |
function! s:FGforBG(bg) | |
" takes a 6hex color code and returns a matching color that is visible | |
let pure = substitute(a:bg,'^#','','') | |
let r = eval('0x'.pure[0].pure[1]) | |
let g = eval('0x'.pure[2].pure[3]) | |
let b = eval('0x'.pure[4].pure[5]) | |
if r*30 + g*59 + b*11 > 12000 | |
return '#000000' | |
else | |
return '#ffffff' | |
end | |
endfunction | |
function! s:SetMatcher(clr,pat) | |
let group = 'cssColor'.substitute(a:clr,'^#','','') | |
redir => s:currentmatch | |
silent! exe 'syn list '.group | |
redir END | |
let g:currentmatch = s:currentmatch | |
if s:currentmatch !~ a:pat.'\/' | |
exe 'syn match '.group.' /'.a:pat.'/ contained' | |
exe 'syn cluster cssColors add='.group | |
if has('gui_running') | |
exe 'hi '.group.' guifg='.s:FGforBG(a:clr) | |
exe 'hi '.group.' guibg='.a:clr | |
elseif &t_Co == 256 | |
exe 'hi '.group.' ctermfg='.s:Rgb2xterm(s:FGforBG(a:clr)) | |
exe 'hi '.group.' ctermbg='.s:Rgb2xterm(a:clr) | |
endif | |
return 1 | |
else | |
return 0 | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
"" the 6 value iterations in the xterm color cube | |
let s:valuerange = [ 0x00, 0x5F, 0x87, 0xAF, 0xD7, 0xFF ] | |
"" 16 basic colors | |
let s:basic16 = [ [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ], [ 0xCD, 0x00, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0xCD, 0x00 ], [ 0xCD, 0xCD, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0xEE ], [ 0xCD, 0x00, 0xCD ], [ 0x00, 0xCD, 0xCD ], [ 0xE5, 0xE5, 0xE5 ], [ 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F ], [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 ], [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 ], [ 0x5C, 0x5C, 0xFF ], [ 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF ], [ 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF ], [ 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ] ] | |
function! s:Xterm2rgb(color) | |
" 16 basic colors | |
let r=0 | |
let g=0 | |
let b=0 | |
if a:color<16 | |
let r = s:basic16[a:color][0] | |
let g = s:basic16[a:color][1] | |
let b = s:basic16[a:color][2] | |
endif | |
" color cube color | |
if a:color>=16 && a:color<=232 | |
let color=a:color-16 | |
let r = s:valuerange[(color/36)%6] | |
let g = s:valuerange[(color/6)%6] | |
let b = s:valuerange[color%6] | |
endif | |
" gray tone | |
if a:color>=233 && a:color<=253 | |
let r=8+(a:color-232)*0x0a | |
let g=r | |
let b=r | |
endif | |
let rgb=[r,g,b] | |
return rgb | |
endfunction | |
function! s:pow(x, n) | |
let x = a:x | |
for i in range(a:n-1) | |
let x = x*a:x | |
return x | |
endfunction | |
let s:colortable=[] | |
for c in range(0, 254) | |
let color = s:Xterm2rgb(c) | |
call add(s:colortable, color) | |
endfor | |
" selects the nearest xterm color for a rgb value like #FF0000 | |
function! s:Rgb2xterm(color) | |
let best_match=0 | |
let smallest_distance = 10000000000 | |
let r = eval('0x'.a:color[1].a:color[2]) | |
let g = eval('0x'.a:color[3].a:color[4]) | |
let b = eval('0x'.a:color[5].a:color[6]) | |
for c in range(0,254) | |
let d = s:pow(s:colortable[c][0]-r,2) + s:pow(s:colortable[c][1]-g,2) + s:pow(s:colortable[c][2]-b,2) | |
if d<smallest_distance | |
let smallest_distance = d | |
let best_match = c | |
endif | |
endfor | |
return best_match | |
endfunction | |
function! s:SetNamedColor(clr,name) | |
let group = 'cssColor'.substitute(a:clr,'^#','','') | |
exe 'syn keyword '.group.' '.a:name.' contained' | |
exe 'syn cluster cssColors add='.group | |
if has('gui_running') | |
exe 'hi '.group.' guifg='.s:FGforBG(a:clr) | |
exe 'hi '.group.' guibg='.a:clr | |
elseif &t_Co == 256 | |
exe 'hi '.group.' ctermfg='.s:Rgb2xterm(s:FGforBG(a:clr)) | |
exe 'hi '.group.' ctermbg='.s:Rgb2xterm(a:clr) | |
endif | |
return 23 | |
endfunction | |
function! s:func2hex(rgb) | |
let color = eval('[' . matchstr(a:rgb, '[0-9]\{1,3\}\s*,\s*[0-9]\{1,3\}\s*,\s*[0-9]\{1,3\}') . ']') | |
return '#' . printf('%02x', color[0]) . printf('%02x', color[1]) . printf('%02x', color[2]) | |
endfunction | |
function! s:PreviewCSSColorInLine(where) | |
" TODO use cssColor matchdata | |
let foundcolor = matchstr( getline(a:where), '#[0-9A-Fa-f]\{3,6\}\>\|rgba\?(\s*[0-9]\+\s*,\s*[0-9]\+\s*,\s*[0-9]\+\s*\(,\s*[0-9.]\+\s*\)\?)' ) | |
let color = '' | |
if foundcolor != '' | |
if foundcolor =~ '#\x\{6}$' | |
let color = foundcolor | |
elseif foundcolor =~ '#\x\{3}$' | |
let color = substitute(foundcolor, '\(\x\)\(\x\)\(\x\)', '\1\1\2\2\3\3', '') | |
elseif foundcolor =~ '^rgba\?([0-9 ,.]\+)$' | |
let color = s:func2hex(foundcolor) | |
else | |
let color = '' | |
endif | |
if color != '' | |
return s:SetMatcher(color,foundcolor) | |
else | |
return 0 | |
endif | |
else | |
return 0 | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
if has("gui_running") || &t_Co==256 | |
" HACK modify cssDefinition to add @cssColors to its contains | |
redir => s:olddef | |
silent! syn list cssDefinition | |
redir END | |
if s:olddef != '' | |
let s:b = strridx(s:olddef,'matchgroup') | |
if s:b != -1 | |
exe 'syn region cssDefinition '.strpart(s:olddef,s:b).',@cssColors' | |
endif | |
endif | |
" w3c Colors | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#800000', 'maroon') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ff0000', 'red') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ffA500', 'orange') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ffff00', 'yellow') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#808000', 'olive') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#800080', 'purple') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ff00ff', 'fuchsia') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ffffff', 'white') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00ff00', 'lime') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#008000', 'green') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#000080', 'navy') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#0000ff', 'blue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00ffff', 'aqua') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#008080', 'teal') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#000000', 'black') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#c0c0c0', 'silver') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#808080', 'gray') | |
" extra colors | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F0F8FF','AliceBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FAEBD7','AntiqueWhite') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#7FFFD4','Aquamarine') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F0FFFF','Azure') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F5F5DC','Beige') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFE4C4','Bisque') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFEBCD','BlanchedAlmond') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#8A2BE2','BlueViolet') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#A52A2A','Brown') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DEB887','BurlyWood') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#5F9EA0','CadetBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#7FFF00','Chartreuse') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D2691E','Chocolate') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF7F50','Coral') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#6495ED','CornflowerBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFF8DC','Cornsilk') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DC143C','Crimson') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00FFFF','Cyan') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00008B','DarkBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#008B8B','DarkCyan') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#B8860B','DarkGoldenRod') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#A9A9A9','DarkGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#A9A9A9','DarkGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#006400','DarkGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#BDB76B','DarkKhaki') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#8B008B','DarkMagenta') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#556B2F','DarkOliveGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF8C00','Darkorange') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#9932CC','DarkOrchid') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#8B0000','DarkRed') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#E9967A','DarkSalmon') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#8FBC8F','DarkSeaGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#483D8B','DarkSlateBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#2F4F4F','DarkSlateGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#2F4F4F','DarkSlateGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00CED1','DarkTurquoise') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#9400D3','DarkViolet') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF1493','DeepPink') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00BFFF','DeepSkyBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#696969','DimGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#696969','DimGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#1E90FF','DodgerBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#B22222','FireBrick') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFFAF0','FloralWhite') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#228B22','ForestGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DCDCDC','Gainsboro') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F8F8FF','GhostWhite') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFD700','Gold') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DAA520','GoldenRod') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#808080','Grey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ADFF2F','GreenYellow') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F0FFF0','HoneyDew') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF69B4','HotPink') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#CD5C5C','IndianRed') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#4B0082','Indigo') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFFFF0','Ivory') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F0E68C','Khaki') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#E6E6FA','Lavender') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFF0F5','LavenderBlush') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#7CFC00','LawnGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFFACD','LemonChiffon') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#ADD8E6','LightBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F08080','LightCoral') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#E0FFFF','LightCyan') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FAFAD2','LightGoldenRodYellow') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D3D3D3','LightGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D3D3D3','LightGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#90EE90','LightGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFB6C1','LightPink') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFA07A','LightSalmon') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#20B2AA','LightSeaGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#87CEFA','LightSkyBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#778899','LightSlateGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#778899','LightSlateGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#B0C4DE','LightSteelBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFFFE0','LightYellow') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#32CD32','LimeGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FAF0E6','Linen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF00FF','Magenta') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#66CDAA','MediumAquaMarine') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#0000CD','MediumBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#BA55D3','MediumOrchid') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#9370D8','MediumPurple') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#3CB371','MediumSeaGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#7B68EE','MediumSlateBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00FA9A','MediumSpringGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#48D1CC','MediumTurquoise') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#C71585','MediumVioletRed') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#191970','MidnightBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F5FFFA','MintCream') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFE4E1','MistyRose') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFE4B5','Moccasin') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFDEAD','NavajoWhite') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FDF5E6','OldLace') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#6B8E23','OliveDrab') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF4500','OrangeRed') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DA70D6','Orchid') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#EEE8AA','PaleGoldenRod') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#98FB98','PaleGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#AFEEEE','PaleTurquoise') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D87093','PaleVioletRed') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFEFD5','PapayaWhip') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFDAB9','PeachPuff') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#CD853F','Peru') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFC0CB','Pink') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#DDA0DD','Plum') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#B0E0E6','PowderBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#BC8F8F','RosyBrown') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#4169E1','RoyalBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#8B4513','SaddleBrown') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FA8072','Salmon') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F4A460','SandyBrown') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#2E8B57','SeaGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFF5EE','SeaShell') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#A0522D','Sienna') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#87CEEB','SkyBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#6A5ACD','SlateBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#708090','SlateGray') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#708090','SlateGrey') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FFFAFA','Snow') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#00FF7F','SpringGreen') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#4682B4','SteelBlue') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D2B48C','Tan') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#D8BFD8','Thistle') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#FF6347','Tomato') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#40E0D0','Turquoise') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#EE82EE','Violet') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F5DEB3','Wheat') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#F5F5F5','WhiteSmoke') | |
let i = s:SetNamedColor('#9ACD32','YellowGreen') | |
let i = 1 | |
while i <= line("$") | |
call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine(i) | |
let i = i+1 | |
endwhile | |
unlet i | |
augroup PreviewCSSColor | |
autocmd! | |
autocmd CursorHold *.css silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.') | |
autocmd CursorHoldI *.css silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.') | |
autocmd InsertLeave *.css silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.') | |
augroup END | |
endif " has("gui_running") |
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