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Forked from nojimage/app_email.php
Created November 8, 2010 22:40
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cake AppEmailComponent
* AppEmailComponent (for Japanese)
* Copyright 2010, nojimage (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @filesource
* @package app
* @subpackage app.controller.components
* @author nojimage <nojimage at>
* @copyright 2010 nojimage
* @license The MIT License
* @link
App::import('Core', 'Multibyte');
App::import('Component', 'Email');
class AppEmailComponent extends EmailComponent {
* Startup component
* @param object $controller Instantiating controller
* @access public
function startup(&$controller) {
$this->Controller =& $controller;
// 設定読み出し
* 設定ファイルから値読み込み
* @param $config
* @return unknown_type
function load($config = 'default') {
$params = Configure::read('Email');
$keys = array('to', 'cc', 'bcc', 'from', 'replayTo', 'subject', 'lineLength', 'xMailer', 'delivery', 'sendAs', 'smtpOptions', 'layout', 'template', '_debug');
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (!empty($params[$config][$key])) {
$this->{$key} = $params[$config][$key];
} else if (!empty($params['default'][$key])) {
$this->{$key} = $params['default'][$key];
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see cake/libs/controller/components/EmailComponent#reset()
function reset() {
* Wrap the message using EmailComponent::$lineLength
* 日本語対応
* @param string $message Message to wrap
* @return array Wrapped message
* @access private
function __wrap($message) {
$encoding = strtolower(Configure::read('App.encoding'));
$message = $this->__strip($message, true);
$message = str_replace(array("\r\n","\r"), "\n", $message);
$lines = explode("\n", $message);
$formatted = array();
// 行頭禁則文字
$wordwrap_not_head = '、。.)«\]}}〕〉》」』】〙〗〟»ヽヾ';
// 行末禁則文字
$wordwrap_not_foot = '(\[{{〔〈《「『【〘〖‘“«';
if ($this->_lineLength !== null) {
trigger_error('_lineLength cannot be accessed please use lineLength', E_USER_WARNING);
$this->lineLength = $this->_lineLength;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if(substr($line, 0, 1) == '.') {
$line = '.' . $line;
// 正規表現を使用するためutf-8エンコード
if ($encoding != 'UTF-8') {
$line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
if (preg_match('!https?://|ftp://!', $line)) {
// httpを含む行は折り返しを行わない
$formatted[] = $line;
// $this->lineLengthで折り返す
$tmp_line = '';
$parts = array();
while (mb_strwidth($tmp_line . $line, 'UTF-8') > $this->lineLength ) {
// 1字切り出し
$chr = mb_substr($line, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
$line = mb_substr($line, 1, mb_strlen($line), 'UTF-8');
$tmp_line .= $chr;
if (mb_strwidth($tmp_line, 'UTF-8') >= $this->lineLength) {
$next_chr = mb_substr($line, 0, 1, 'UTF-8');
if (mb_strpos($wordwrap_not_foot, $chr, 0, 'UTF-8') !== false
|| (strlen($next_chr) > 0 && mb_strpos($wordwrap_not_head, $next_chr, 0, 'UTF-8') !== false)) {
// 行末禁則文字に切り出し文字が該当する場合 or 行頭禁則文字に次の文字が該当する場合
$parts[] = $tmp_line;
$tmp_line = '';
$parts[] = $tmp_line . $line;
$formatted = array_merge($formatted, $parts);
$formatted[] = '';
// charset指定エンコードへ変換
for ($i = 0; $i < count($formatted); $i++) {
$formatted[$i] = mb_convert_encoding($formatted[$i], $this->charset, 'UTF-8');
return $formatted;
* Email Config Example
* Copyright 2010, nojimage (
* Licensed under The MIT License
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @filesource
* @package app
* @subpackage app.config
* @author nojimage <nojimage at>
* @copyright 2010 nojimage
* @license The MIT License
* @link
$config['Email'] = array(
'default' => array(
'delivery' => 'mail', // 送信方法 (mail or smtp)
/* // smtpを利用する場合
'smtpOptions' => array(
'host' => '',
'port' => 587,
'username' => '',
'password' => ''),
'sendAs' => 'text', // メールタイプ (text or html or both)
'from' => '[email protected]', // メールの送信元(From:)
'subject' => 'メール送信', // メールの表題(Subject:)
'lineLength' => 72, // 本文の折り返し文字数(全角は2文字としてカウント)
'xMailer' => 'CakePHP AppEmail' /* X-Mailerヘッダ */),
/* コントローラ別の設定 */
'Users' => array(
'subject' => 'ユーザ登録完了のお知らせ',
'template' => 'user_registed')
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