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Created March 3, 2023 21:20
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Find the longest substring without repeating characters, and return it's length.
export function findLongestSubstring(inputString) {
// in this map we store last seen indexes of each unique character in the inputString
const map = {};
// this is the maximum seen length of the substring so far
let length = 0;
// this is the leftmost element of the max len substring seen so far
let start = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < inputString.length; ++i) {
const char = inputString[i];
if (map[char] != null) {
// we've encountered a character that we've already seen,
// it is possible that we've encountered a repeated character
if (map[char] < start) {
// start is our leftmost element of the current substring (window)
// if char is seen before at a position outside of this window, then we don't care,
// since we only care about repeats in our current substring (window)
// so same as seeing char for the first time, we just record it's index and continue
map[char] = i;
} else {
// at this point we've definitely encountered char for the second time in the current window
// so we need to evaluate if we found a max len substring or not
// i points to the first char outside of the window,
// and start points to the first char of the window
const newLength = i - start;
if (length < newLength) {
length = newLength;
// move the left side of the window forward to nullify the repeat and continue our search
start = map[char] + 1;
map[char] = i;
} else {
// if its the first time we see a character then just record its index and continue
// we've definitely not encountered a repeat here
map[char] = i;
// if the last character of the string was not a repeat, then it was not handled by the loop
// so check if the substring ending at the last character is actually a max len substring
if (inputString.length - start > length) {
length = inputString.length - start;
return length;
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