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Created March 3, 2023 21:25
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Given two strings s and t, find the smallest window substring of t. The smallest window substring is the shortest sequence of characters in s that includes all of the characters present in t. The frequency of each character in this sequence should be greater than or equal to the frequency of each character in t. The order of the characters doesn…
export function minWindowSubstring(s, t) {
if (t === "") {
return "";
// count of each unique character in string t
const tCount = {};
// count of each unique character in the current sliding window
const sCount = {};
// count of unique characters in t
let tUnique = 0;
// iterate string t, populating the counts of characters
for (let i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) {
if (tCount[t[i]] == null) {
tUnique += 1;
tCount[t[i]] = (tCount[t[i]] ?? 0) + 1;
// we increment this variable every time a count of some character in the current sliding window
// matched the count of the same character in t
// for example, t=abbccc, we will increment this variable 3 times:
// once we've seen a single a in the sliding window
// once we've seen two b in the sliding window,
// and once we've seen three c in the sliding window
let countsMatched = 0;
// this points to the leftmost element of our current sliding window
let start = 0;
// these are start end and length of the minimum window we've found so far
let minStart = 0;
let minEnd = 0;
let minLength = null;
// start iterating the string s
// during the iteration, i always points to our last element in the current sliding window
// the sliding window size is modified by changing the start variable, which points to the leftmost element of the window
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
const char = s[i];
// increment the count of each unique character in the current sliding window
sCount[char] = (sCount[char] ?? 0) + 1;
if (sCount[char] === tCount[char]) {
// count of char in the current sliding window matched count of char in t, increment countsMatched
countsMatched += 1;
if (countsMatched === tUnique) {
// we've found all unique characters of t in the current sliding window, exactly the amount of time they appear in t
// at this point start points to the leftmost element of our current sliding window,
// but it might not be the leftmost element of the minimum window
// so we start shrinking the window from the left
// decrementing the count of characters in the current sliding window
// until we encounter a character from t, at that point we decrement countsMatched
// and that means we can no longer shrink the window, meaning we've found the minimum window
while (countsMatched === tUnique) {
const startChar = s[start];
sCount[startChar] -= 1;
if (sCount[startChar] < tCount[startChar]) {
countsMatched -= 1;
start += 1;
// determine length of the current sliding window
// i points to the last element of the window, so we add 1 to get the length
// we incremented start, so we decrement it to get the index of the first element in the current sliding window
const length = i + 1 - (start - 1);
// check if the window we've just found is smaller than the current minimum window
if (minLength == null || minLength > length) {
minStart = start - 1;
minEnd = i + 1;
minLength = length;
// the result is the contents of the found minimum sliding window
return s.slice(minStart, minEnd);
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