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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save orchid-hybrid/778c48ede9d2149b9fe4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save orchid-hybrid/778c48ede9d2149b9fe4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
;; This runs in veneer
;; (developed inside veneer!)
;; Questions
;; A. How to shuffle all the recursive calls to the end, or just bubble unifications to the top?
;; B. How to optimize away simple things? seems very "one way" I do a tiny bit of optimization already..
;; it can generate kanren versions of four scheme functions (append, mem, rember, unwrap)
(define (nullo e)
(== e '()))
(define (pairo e)
(fresh (u v)
(== e `(,u . ,v))))
(define (eq-caro l x)
(fresh (t)
(== l `(,x . ,t))))
(define (not-membero e l)
((== l '()))
((fresh (x y)
(== l `(,x . ,y))
(=/= e x)
(not-membero e y)))))
(define (appendo l s out)
((== '() l) (== s out))
((fresh (a d res)
(== `(,a . ,d) l)
(== `(,a . ,res) out)
(appendo d s res)))))
(define (replace-nodeo s p q s^)
((== s p) (== q s^))
((symbolo s) (=/= s p) (== s s^))
((== s '()) (== s^ '()))
((fresh (x y x^ y^)
(=/= s p)
(== s `(,x . ,y))
(== s^ `(,x^ . ,y^))
(replace-nodeo x p q x^)
(replace-nodeo y p q y^)))))
(define (t1 q r)
(fresh ()
(== q '(define (append x y)
(cond ((null? x) y)
((pair? x) (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))))))
(translate-definition q r)))
(define (t1b a b)
(fresh (m)
(== a '(cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y)))
(replace-nodeo a '(car x) 'u m)
(replace-nodeo m '(cdr x) 'v b)))
(define (t2 q r) ;; pg 47
(fresh ()
(== q '(define (mem x l)
(cond ((null? l) l)
((eq-car? l x) l)
((pair? l) (mem x (cdr l))))))
(translate-definition q r)))
(define (t3 q r) ;; pg 51
(fresh ()
(== q '(define (rember x l)
(cond ((null? l) l)
((eq-car? l x) (cdr l))
((pair? l);; changed from else to pair?
(cons (car l) (rember x (cdr l))))
(translate-definition q r)))
(define (t4 q r) ;; pg 68
(fresh ()
(== q '(define (unwrap x)
(cond ((pair? x)(unwrap (car x)))
(else x))))
(translate-definition q r)))
(define (name-mangleo n n^)
((== n 'append) (== n^ 'appendo))
((== n 'mem) (== n^ 'memo))
((== n 'rember) (== n^ 'rembero))
((== n 'unwrap) (== n^ 'unwrapo))
((== n 'null?) (== n^ 'nullo))
((== n 'pair?) (== n^ 'pairo))
((== n 'eq-car?) (== n^ 'eq-caro))
((== n 'cons) (== n^ 'conso))))
(define (unpack-def d name args body)
(== d `(define (,name . ,args) ,body)))
(define (translate-definition i o)
(fresh (n a b n^ a^ b^ r)
(symbolo r)
(unpack-def i n a b)
(unpack-def o n^ a^ b^)
(name-mangleo n n^)
(not-membero r a)
(appendo a `(,r) a^)
(translate-expression b b^ r)
(define (translate-expression b b^ r)
((symbolo b)
(== b^ `(== ,r ,b)))
((fresh (f f^ args)
(== b `(,f . ,args))
(=/= f 'cond)
(name-mangleo f f^)
(translate-function-callo f^ args b^ r)))
((fresh (clauses clauses^)
(== b `(cond . ,clauses))
(== b^ `(conde . ,clauses^))
(translate-clauses clauses clauses^ r)))))
(define (translate-function-callo f^ args b^ r)
(fresh (call args^)
(translate-function-call-argumentso args args^ b^ call)
(appendo `(,f^ . ,args^) `(,r) call)
(define (translate-predicate-callo po args b^)
(fresh (call args^)
(translate-function-call-argumentso args args^ b^ call)
(== `(,po . ,args^) call)))
(define (translate-function-call-argumentso args args^ b^ call)
((== args '()) (== args^ '()) (== b^ call))
((fresh (x y x^ y^ b^^ r)
(== args `(,x . ,y))
(== args^ `(,r . ,y^))
(symbolo r)
((symbolo x) (== x r) ;; this is a tiny bit dangerous in case
;; both of then happen to be symbols, then we really do
;; not to insert an == into the code, but hopefully that
;; wont happen.. if it does you can easily fix it by
;; make all the parameters the relation being defined to be
;; logic variables
(== b^ b^^))
((pairo x) (translate-expression x x^ r)
(== b^ `(fresh (,r) ,x^ ,b^^))))
(translate-function-call-argumentso y y^ b^^ call)))))
(define (translate-clauses clauses clauses^ r)
((== clauses '())
(== clauses^ '()))
((fresh (rest rest^ condition body clause^)
(== clauses `((,condition ,body) . ,rest))
(== clauses^ `(,clause^ . ,rest^))
((fresh (e body^)
(== condition `(null? ,e))
(symbolo e)
(== clause^ `((== ,e '()) ,body^))
(translate-expression body body^ r)
((fresh (e e2 f1 f2 bodym bodymm body^)
((== condition `(pair? ,e))
(symbolo e)
(== clause^ `((fresh (,f1 ,f2)
(== ,e `(,,f1 . ,,f2))
((== condition `(eq-car? ,e ,e2))
(symbolo e) (symbolo e2)
(== clause^ `((fresh (,f2)
(== ,e `(,,e2 . ,,f2))
(symbolo f1)
(symbolo f2)
(replace-nodeo body `(car ,e) f1 bodym)
(replace-nodeo bodym `(cdr ,e) f2 bodymm)
(translate-expression bodymm body^ r)))
((fresh (p po b^ ergs body^)
(== condition `(,p . ,ergs))
(=/= p 'null?)
(=/= p 'pair?)
(=/= p 'eq-car?)
(name-mangleo p po)
(translate-predicate-callo po ergs b^)
(== clause^ `(,b^ ,body^))
(translate-expression body body^ r)
((fresh (e body^)
(== condition 'else)
(== clause^ `(,body^))
(translate-expression body body^ r))))
(translate-clauses rest rest^ r)))))
(t4 q r)
(define (conso x y z) (== z `(,x . ,y)))
;; Here is the output of the program, formatted/indented by me
(define (appendo x y _.0)
(conde ((== x (quote ())) (== _.0 y))
((fresh (_.1 _.2)
(== x (quasiquote ((unquote _.1) . (unquote _.2))))
(fresh (_.3)
(appendo _.2 y _.3)
(conso _.1 _.3 _.0))))))
(define (memo x l _.0)
(conde ((== l (quote ())) (== _.0 l))
((fresh (_.1)
(== l (quasiquote ((unquote x) . (unquote _.1))))
(== _.0 l)))
((fresh (_.2 _.3)
(== l (quasiquote ((unquote _.2) . (unquote _.3))))
(memo x _.3 _.0)))))
(define (rembero x l _.0)
(conde ((== l (quote ())) (== _.0 l))
((fresh (_.1)
(== l (quasiquote ((unquote x) . (unquote _.1))))
(== _.0 _.1)))
((fresh (_.2 _.3)
(== l (quasiquote ((unquote _.2) . (unquote _.3))))
(fresh (_.4)
(rembero x _.3 _.4)
(conso _.2 _.4 _.0))))))
(define (unwrapo x _.0)
(conde ((fresh (_.1 _.2)
(== x (quasiquote ((unquote _.1) . (unquote _.2))))
(unwrapo _.1 _.0)))
((== _.0 x))))
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