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Created February 28, 2012 04:23
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Haskell trie implementation
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-- | Trie container data type
data Trie a = Trie { value :: Maybe a
, children :: M.Map Char (Trie a) }
deriving (Show)
-- | Convenience name for our autocompletion trie
type STrie = Trie (String, Bool)
-- | Mark this value as the end of a word
setEndOfWord :: Maybe (String, Bool) -> Maybe (String, Bool)
setEndOfWord = liftM update
update (s, _) = (s, True)
{-| Convenience function, simply reverses
the order of foldr's arguments -}
ifold :: F.Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> t a -> b -> b
ifold = flip . F.foldr
{-| Foldable instance for Trie. Folds over the
contents of the trie. -}
instance F.Foldable Trie where
foldr f b t | isJust (value t)
= let thisNode = f (fromJust . value $ t) b
childNodes = ifold f
in F.foldr childNodes thisNode (children t)
| otherwise
= F.foldr (ifold f) b (children t)
-- | Convenience function to construct an empty trie
emptyTrie :: STrie
emptyTrie = Trie { value = Nothing
, children = M.empty }
{-| Convenience function to construct a new
autocompletion trie with a String in it -}
trie :: String -> STrie
trie k = emptyTrie { value = Just (k, False) }
-- Insert a String into the autocompletion trie
insert :: String -> STrie -> STrie
insert [] t = t { value = setEndOfWord $ value t }
insert (k:ks) t = let ts = children t
childNode = maybe (trie [k])
(trie . (++[k]) . fst)
(value t)
newChildren = M.insert k childNode ts
in case M.lookup k ts of
Nothing -> t { children = M.insert k (insert ks childNode) newChildren }
Just t' -> t { children = M.insert k (insert ks t') ts }
-- Find the node that matches this string if any
find :: String -> STrie -> Maybe (String, Bool)
find s t = findPrefix s t >>= value
-- Get all the prefixes that are in this trie
allPrefixes :: STrie -> [String]
allPrefixes = map fst . filter snd . F.toList
findPrefix :: String -> STrie -> Maybe STrie
findPrefix [] t = Just t
findPrefix (k:ks) t = case M.lookup k (children t) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just t' -> findPrefix ks t'
-- Get all the prefixes that start with this string
autoComplete :: String -> STrie -> [String]
autoComplete s t = maybe [] allPrefixes $ findPrefix s t
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@orclev import Data.List (isPrefixOf) isn't used anywhere, so might want to remove that?

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