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Forked from jasalt/
Last active October 13, 2018 06:27
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rename subtitle files to match video files in same folder
Rename subtitle files in same folder to match the movie file
(for xbmc-share folder)
Jarkko Saltiola 2013
import os
import re
video_types = ["mkv","avi"]
subtitle_types = ["sub", "srt"]
all_files = os.listdir('.') # List current directory items
episodes = [f for f in all_files if f[-3:] in video_types]
subtitles = [f for f in all_files if f[-3:] in subtitle_types]
unmatched_subtitles = [f for f in subtitles if f[:-4] not in episodes]
# Search matching videos for unmatched subtitles, rename subtitles
for subtitle in unmatched_subtitles:
print 'Finding matches for: "%s"' % subtitle
# Find out subtitle's episode-number
# RE-match E1-2 digits without preceding "Part "
episode_number = re.findall(r"E(?<!Part )\d{1,2}", subtitle)[0]
print ' Episode number is: "%s"' % episode_number
for episode in episodes:
match ="(?<!Part )%s" % episode_number, episode)
if match:
new_filename = episode[:-3] + subtitle[-3:]
print ' !found match: "%s", new filename: "%s"' % (episode,new_filename)
if new_filename not in subtitles:
print ' !Renaming: "%s" -> "%s"' % (subtitle,new_filename)
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