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I'm either at the gym or programming

Ori Hauptman orihpt

I'm either at the gym or programming
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orihpt / inner_shadow.dart
Last active February 1, 2025 15:25
Inner Shadow in Flutter that actually works
// An inner shadow that fucking works. Thanks Flutter team "developers" and internet losers for wasting my time.
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class InnerShadow extends StatelessWidget {
final Widget child;
final double blurRadius;
final Radius radius;
orihpt /
Created February 11, 2023 16:00
This code demonstrates how it's possible to compress two numbers into one and then convert it back to two numbers.
public class TwoNumbersCompression {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double compressed = compress(-5.57,8);
System.out.println("Compressed: " + compressed);
double[] decompressed = decompress(compressed);
System.out.println("Decompressed: " + decompressed[0] + ", " + decompressed[1]);
// Convert to between 0 and 1
public static double convert(double a) {
orihpt / willCommit.m
Last active August 9, 2022 09:55
Resolve conflicts between apps in Matlab
% -+= Welcome =+-
% This script was created by Ori Hauptman from Israel.
% Because of the way Matlab Apps are saved, it's hard and sometimes
% even not possible to resolve conflicts with Git.
% Run this script every time before commiting your changes to Git
% to create a folder for each of your apps, so you can reslove